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I jumped out of bed when I heard a scream come from the floor above. I jolted up the stairs as I didn't have time to take the lift. I flew into Annabeth's room to find her sprawling about in bed, screaming her head off. She was mumbling something about a pit and how he shouldn't kill them. Who's he?

I spun around when I heard another scream come from behind me. It was Percy. It was at that point I realised the giant hole in the wall but decided to worry about that later. I jumped over the wall and ran to Percy's side. He was also moaning about the pit and him. Again, who is him?

I could hear some people at Percy's door, so went to let them in, but jumped back when the door handle heated up and burnt my hand. I leapt back over the wall and let them in Annabeth's room.

"In here," I said. Outside was Tony, Steve, Clint, Natasha, and Pepper. Thor had gone back to Asgard.

"What's going on?" Tony asked. "And why is there a massive hole in the wall?"

"Honey, honey. We have more important issues than a hole in the wall." Pepper pointed out.

"Right. Should we try waking them?" Tony asked. I nodded. Tony continued. "Ok. Clint, Nat, and Pep. You try waking Annabeth. Cap, Banner, and I will try Percy."

I joined Tony and Steve, and we tried to wake up Percy, but nothing worked. Both teenagers kept screaming and muttering about the pit and him.

"Who is he? The one they keep mentioning?" Clint asked.

"I don't know and I don't like it. I want to take them up to the lab. Steve? Clint?" They nodded in understanding. Clint picked up Annabeth and walked out of the room and towards the lab. Steve went to pick up Percy, but he was too heavy, even for the solider.

"Clint, can you drop Annabeth off and grab one of the wheeled beds on your way back down please?" Natasha said over ear coms. They kept them in all the time, even at night. It couldn't have been healthy.

Clint came down and entered Annabeth's room with the bed. They picked it up to get through the hole and with the help of Tony, Clint, and myself, Steve managed to put the boy onto the bed.

"Great. Now how do we get him out of the room?" Tony complained.

"The door," Steve put his hand on the door handle but quickly retracted it as it heated up, as it did for me. "Ok, we can't open that door."

"What if we let Percy open the door?" A female voice said from behind me. We all looked at Pepper like she was mad. "Think about it. Percy enters and exits his room all of the time. Just put Percy's hand on the door handle and see if it opens." We did as she said, and weirdly enough the door opened. We rolled Percy up to the lab and placed him on the double bed next to Annabeth. Almost instantly both of the screaming teenagers stopped screaming and hugged each other. Percy muttered something about them being together now, and they both just slept peacefully.

Everyone went to bed, but I kept Percy and Annabeth in the observation room overnight to make sure they didn't start screaming again. And they didn't.

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