{XXV} Wanda

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"Nat sent us the coordinates," Clint informed us.

"Right team, suit up," Steve instructed.

"It's time to get my nephew back. Friday, Mark 33 if you will." Tony's suit formed around him getting him geared up for the mission ahead. Thor's hammer came to his hand from the corner of the room, Clint filled his quiver with arrows and Steve grabbed his shield from the mount on the wall. Vision and I didn't have any equipment.

"Another message from Nat," Clint spoke up. "Annabeth is there too."

"Great, another one to rescue," Stark commented. We all jumped onto the jet and set off for the coordinates. When we got there, the helicarrier was nowhere in sight. We did a thermal scan and still, nothing showed.

"Fly around for a bit, it's probably just moved," Steve commanded. Clint nodded and continued to fly around the area. Tony jumped out the back and flew around.

"Found it," Tony said through comms 5 minutes later. We joined him at his coordinates and landed on the runway.

Steve started to take command. "Clint, you find out from Romanoff as to where they are. When we find out, Stark, Wanda and I will go down to retrieve them. Vision, Clint and Thor, you stay above ready to attack. I have a feeling Fury is not going to take this well. Banner, you stay on the jet and get ready to take off as soon as we're back. Understood?" Nods came from all around. "Clint?"

"Hulk jail." He replied. "The hardest place to get into to." Amazing. We walked through the hallways as nonchalantly as we could. Tony, Steve and I casually walked into the large room with the hulk containment in the middle. I could see Percy and Annabeth tied to chairs while Fury stood in front of them. Their mouths were being held open with mini jacks and a couple of scientists were poking and prodding them while they struggled to escape.

"Get away from my nephew Fury!" Tony shouted.

"No," Fury replied calmly. Tony did not like that. "Look, if you know what's good for you, you'd leave. Now."

"If you knew what was good for you, you'd let them go. Wanda, do you mind?" Tony asked me. I picked up what he was putting down and unlocked the door to the jail cell. Tony walked in and the scientists ran out of the room. From where I was standing, I undid Percy and Annabeth's shackles. They ran around Fury and Tony and out of the containment chamber.

"Hey," Percy said to us. We could hear footsteps and shouting coming from down the hall.

"That sounds like Coulson," Steve piped up. "I'll draw their attention away. You guys run to the jet."

Annabeth, Percy and I ran down the hall. We could hear guards up ahead. "Quick, in here," I said and closed the door behind us. We heard the guards run-pass and relaxed a little.

"Percy?" We quickly turned around, ready to fight, but there was a boy standing there. He was tall, with blonde hair and a small scar on his lip. Standing next to him was a girl with choppy brown hair and a feather entangled in it.

"Jason? Piper? Now isn't really a good..." Annabeth tried to say.

"We've found your parents." Jason interrupted. Percy looked at him with hopeful eyes. "We're in Vladivostok, but we're hugely outnumbered."

"Ok, I'll be there as fast as I can." He waved his hand through the image and Jason and Piper disappeared.

Percy looked around the room. "Annabeth, I know its tech, but get on that computer and try and find out where we are. Wanda, you keep a lookout. I'll call Blackjack." I went to the door, Annabeth to the computer and Percy to the window. He opened the window and made the loudest taxi whistle I have ever heard. "Blackjack is my pegasus by the way." I nodded.

"We're over the pacific ocean. Near Japan. If you were to swim/surf, it would take about an hour to reach Vladivostok." Annabeth read from the screen.

"Come on guys," I said. "The guards have gone. We need to get to the jet on the runway."

"Runway? This thing is huge." Percy noted.

"Ok, here's the plan." Annabeth thought aloud. "We'll get to the runway. Blackjack is on his way, so I'll ride him and follow behind you. We're going to rescue them, Percy. It'll be ok."

"I'm coming with you." I chimed. They nodded at me and we left the room.

By the time we almost made it to the exit, the guards were following us. Thor, Vision and Clint were ready and waiting for us. They started fighting the guards.

"There's Blackjack. You guys are going to have to trust him to catch you." Percy yelled.

Tony and Steve were out not long after us and we all started running to the jet. They made it to the jet, but the three of us ran around it.

"Where are you going?" Tony shouted to us.

"READY?" Percy shouted. "JUMP!" We all jumped off the side of the helicarrier. Blackjack sped up. "BLACKJACK! CATCH THE GIRLS!" The pegasus changed his course from Percy to us.

I looked up and saw Vision and Tony flying towards us, but before they made it Blackjack had caught Annabeth and then me. Percy made a big wave to catch himself and he started surfing full speed towards Russia. I looked back and saw that Tony and Vision were just hovering. They went back up to the jet, but I was too far away to see what happened next.

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