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"We're putting our trust in you, how're we supposed to know this actually works?" A mother by the name of Susan put her hands on her hips and glared at Sabrina, who awkwardly twirled her fairy wand between her fingers. It was so shameful, wearing the horrifically goofy dress and being coated head to toe in glitter, but she didn't really have a choice. She didn't have the patience to work in retail or another hospitality job, and the bills didn't pay themselves.

Sabrina pursed her lips, before smiling a little. "Well, the whole thing about the 'hypnosis' is that everyone sees something different. Would you like me to try on you?"

Susan glanced over at her husband of an equally boring name and they both frowned. "No, I don't think that's quite appropriate."

Sabrina shrugged. "Well, I supposed the dreams of an adult is a comfortable life with material objects and shit like that."

"You sure swear a lot for a fairy princess," the husband muttered, and Sabrina flushed a little before tapping her wand against her leg. He then waved her towards the backyard. "Go on, we don't have all day, and we want to bring the cake out."

Sabrina nodded, before stepping outside. She was met with gasps from little girls and boys, and she sat on the ground gracefully and smiled widely at the children dressed in different colours with huge grins. "Hello, everyone! Now, who's the birthday boy today?"

"Me!" A young kid stepped forward with an ecstatic grin on his face. "I am! My name's Kieran!"

"Well," Sabrina tapped him on the nose as he dove into her lap. Her voice was slightly higher in pitch now, though it didn't appear to be as forced and fake as her customer service tone. "I'm here to grant you a magic wish. And I'll do the same for every single person here as well, but of course you get to go first."

The boy bounced in pure excitement.

Sabrina hummed softly, before holding her wand out. "Close your eyes, Kieran. Now, what's your wildest dream?"

Kieran whispered in Sabrina's ear, and she smiled, before nudging his side. Kieran opened his eyes and gasped, jumping off her lap and bounding towards the gigantic dinosaur that stomped into the garden. "Oh, wow! It's a Diplodocus! Look, I can ride it! This is the best birthday present ever!"

Sabrina laughed softly, watching as he raced between the animals legs, tears rimming at his eyes as he nearly wept in delight. A few of the children around her gasped, seeing the animal, though the parents were incredibly confused. It seemed that only some shared Kieran's wildest dream.

Soon, kids were leaping into her arms and wishing for unicorns, tigers, puppies and castles, which Sabrina gladly granted them. They would rush around in pure joy, before embracing the woman in gratitude. It was possibly the best part of her job as an entertainer, seeing the children so happy.

ANCHOR。 DIEGO HARGREEVESWhere stories live. Discover now