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"IT WAS USELESS," DIEGO SLAMMED HIS BEDROOM DOOR SHUT AND CLENCHED HIS FISTS. Sabrina looked up from the novel she had found in the bookcase, and took in his body language for a moment. She could tell he still had something to say, so she waited. "If she knows anything, I'm not getting it. What if she did have something to do with Dad's death, Brie?"

"Then that's that," she watched him pace back and forth. "There's nothing we can do about it but protect her. Now quit pacing, alright? You're gonna wear holes in that rug."

"Sorry," Diego ran his hands through his hair and sighed deeply, falling onto the bed. He pulled Sabrina down with him, and held her close. "Everything's happening so fast, and I can't catch up."

"You don't have to apologise for all this chaos, Diego," Sabrina leaned into his shoulder and played with his hair. His eyes closed and he rested against his pillow, though his body was still tense. "It's not your fault."

Diego's grip tightened. "I'm glad I've got you here with me."

Sabrina smiled. 


Two hours had passed when Sabrina awoke, and it was because Diego had decided he was hungry. She stirred, lifting her head to see him awkwardly trying to move from underneath her. He smiled sheepishly. "Damn."

He sat up and pressed a kiss to her forehead, chuckling softly. "Your makeup's smudged."

Sabrina wiped her eyes, though she knew it would be no help. She ran her hand across his chest and yawned. "I dunno how you can be comfortable in all those straps."

"You want me to take 'em off?" Diego quirked an eyebrow, and Sabrina replied with a tired smile. She rested her head on his shoulder for a moment before letting him stand up. The warmth of Diego's body instantly disappeared, and she shivered. Diego took her chin between his thumb and index finger and kissed her softly. "Go back to sleep. I'll bring you back a snack, okay?"

Sabrina fell back onto the mattress with the intent to sleep, listening to Diego quietly leave the room and shut the door behind him. 

Not even a minute later, the sound of gunfire erupted through the house. 

Sabrina shot up in bed and swayed a little from her pounding head, though that didn't stop her from jumping to her feet. She ran to the door, but heard a swift click. She twisted the knob, but it wouldn't budge. Diego must have locked it. "Shit."

The shooting continued but soon quieted, having moved through the house. Sabrina's heart raced in fear for Diego, not able to comprehend the danger he must be in. 

Chewing the inside of her cheek, she racked her brain for ideas. She needed to open the door, and she was sure a knife would do the trick. It was a good thing she was in Diego's room, and must have knives hidden somewhere, so she got to work. In the bookshelves? In the closet? Under the bed? Yes! 

ANCHOR。 DIEGO HARGREEVESWhere stories live. Discover now