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IT WAS HARD TO IGNORE THE INNER DANGER SENSOR IMPLANTED IN SABRINA'S HEAD. But what was it for? She hadn't seen Diego since earlier that morning, so it couldn't be him (she'd gotten used to the constant threat of harm in his presence, though). The only conclusion she could come to was that she was about to be violently murdered by an intruder, or something was going to happen to someone she'd spoken to that day. To be completely honest, she still had no clue how her powers worked.

She stood in the front hall of her apartment and reached for the phone, punching in Diego's number with the assumption that he wasn't going to answer. She held the handset to her ear and listened to the line ring, before she reached his voicemail. Groaning, she leaned against the wall and gently hit her head against the plaster. She hung up irritably, not sure if she was grateful or disappointed that he hadn't picked up.

What could he have done anyway? He wasn't exactly invincible, though it seemed like it sometimes.

She exhaled and shoved her hands in her pockets, thinking back to what Eudora had said earlier in the day. A motel and Diego's brother. A sick feeling twisted in her stomach, and she looked over at Gary, who was watching the documentary on the Sahara with wide, confused eyes. "Gary?"

The dog twisted his head to look at his owner.

Sabrina managed a grin as she reached for her car keys. "What do you say to a little road trip?"


The motel was dark and weird and made the sensor inside Sabrina ding like the timer on a microwave at three in the morning. Gary sat in the passenger seat, quite occupied with how his breath fogged up against the window. Sabrina looked out the windscreen nervously, waiting to see if anything dodgy was happening.

She perked up when she saw Eudora's figure walking along the verandah, and she jumped out of the car and ran across the parking lot, her stomach twisting with dread each step she took.

She wanted to call out the detective's name, but that probably would have been stupid. She'd done a million dumb things in her life, today wasn't going to be another time she made a mistake. Her feet took her past the reception, through the parking lot and towards the stairs. She stared at them for a second, as if running a thousand scenarios through her head.

Something bad was coming, but she had no idea what.

Jogging up the stairs, Sabrina bent over a little to catch her breath once she reached the top. She remembered the directed Eudora was headed, so she started off that way, her flip-flips slapping against the concrete ground. Each step she took made her stomach twist with dread - though she willed herself to keep going.

Her pace was consistent for the most part, until a dark figure slipped through one of the apartments and stood in the open doorway next door. Sabrina didn't register the raised weapon at first, but broke into a run when the sound of a gunshot ripped through the air.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2021 ⏰

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