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Sabrina felt flushed when she woke up. Everything was shifting between being too hot and horribly cold, leaving her in an uncomfortable state of agony. There were a hundred drummers banging on her forehead as well as a numbing pain from her waist down. Every inch of her body ached, and to make matters worse, she couldn't seem to get her eyes to open.

"Good afternoon, Sabrina," a soft, unfamiliar voice greeted her as the woman stirred. Sabrina hardly heard it, she was weighed down and weak...and tired. God, she was so tired. "I'm glad you're awake."

Sabrina's head lulled to the side and she forced her eyelids to spread. The light blinded her — not because it was bright, but because it just happened to exist. It felt as if she'd been asleep for years. If she had, she'd be pissed. "Wh-"

"Best not to talk, dear," the voice came again. Sabrina felt a hand on her arm, and she looked up to see a fuzzy figure morph into focus. It was a woman. She was tall, blonde and had the face of an angel. She wore the clothes of a nineteen fifties housewife and had the smile of a mother from a fairytale. "My name is Grace. Diego brought you here last night and I fixed you all up."

Sabrina's lips tried to form a response. 

"You were shot twice. We don't usually help those outside the family, but Diego insisted," Grace continued in her gentle voice. It somehow put Sabrina at ease; the fact that she was in a random room with a stranger didn't seem to matter. "I've bandaged everything up and given you a healing agent. You're very lucky, my dear. We were quite impressed with your bravery."

"Uh, thanks," Sabrina mumbled, her voice raspy and unused. It hardly ever sounded like that. "Where's Diego?"

"He's outside," Grace replied with ease. "He refused to sleep last night but he nearly fainted upon your operation. I'll bring him in for you."

Sabrina smiled lightly. The thought of Diego fainting was quite amusing to her.

Moving her head and glancing down, Sabrina groaned a little at the sight of her legs hoisted in slings. She came to the conclusion that she had royally screwed up. Well, that was obvious enough. She strained her neck and little and wiggled her toes. Huh, she could still move down there. She must've been pretty damn lucky. 

"Look what we have here," Diego's voice snapped Sabrina out of her thoughts, and she looked over to see the leather-clad man walking her way. He seemed to be holding back a smile, but it was clear he was happy to see her. "How're you feeling?"

"Peachy," Sabrina tried to grin, but it was more of a grimace. "Thanks for saving me."

"Thanks for not dying," Diego retorted, reaching for her hand and squeezing it softly. Grace watched the pair with a light smile. "You understand why I don't like this hero shit? You could've died last night, Brie."

ANCHOR。 DIEGO HARGREEVESWhere stories live. Discover now