Silent Agony

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A/N: Jonas will have perspectives in this book. But they come later on. Not sure chapter number-wise as of yet.  But this chapter will be from Issac's eyes. Enjoy!



      It had been torture being here. They didn't trust me. For good reason I suppose. If I was awake when they came to treat my wound I'd kill them. So before they would enter I'd be knocked out and come to patched up again. Pacing in my cell was the only thing that stopped the aggressive impulses when I saw a face or person walk down the hall. I focused on the small details of sounds to stop myself from slowly going mad. The click of the spurs in the arch of my boots kept me going as they gave me back my original clothes after some time. I was in pain, though I didn't know why. I felt trapped and stuck. I had a rough idea as to how long i've been here. About two weeks of this since I woke up in that hospital bed.

        I heaved a breath as my legs were shaking from fatigue. I'd worn myself out quickly these days. I haven't really eaten and my stomach was definitely empty. I sat down on the cot I was given to sleep on. I didn't do much sleeping either, unless I was put under. I sat there staring at the wall, and that just made more and more angry. If I were to try efficiently listing the things that discomforted me I'd run out of space on these walls. Eventually I heard footsteps, correcting my posture as I was willing to sell them all a lie of good behavior. At the moment I think they thought I was depressed. I very well could be. But anger and frustration trumped that.

      Walking to the cell door and iron bars was Adam, the man that tricked me and would be one of the first I killed the moment I had a clean chance. He came with a tray of food. Despite my hunger I would ignore that too.

"Food." He said simply, confusing me as he stuck a key in the lock, opening it as he stepped inside.

       The aggression came back instantly. I had to grip the blankets on the cot to ground myself. He set two trays down on the table, simply staring at me. His eyes full of something I was convinced was the only emotion he felt; lust. He'd sometimes be instructed to observe me. Or that was the reasoning. He'd come to be relieved sometimes. But his eyes were always filled with lust and a certain curiosity. I got up and he froze in place, like a deer caught in headlights. It was a major mistake on his part. I pinned him to the wall with all the strength I had, though the lust in his eyes almost disgusted me.

"I know just what you are." I growled, pleased by the trembles shaking his body.

     A man of his size should easily be stronger than me even on a good day. It confused me why he didn't fight back as I had him dead. I forced down the impulse to kill. It wouldn't be smart to kill him now.

"You're a pervert." I whispered, sinking my fingernails into his biceps. His head tilting back as he let out a groan.

     Repulsive. But I noted the behavior none the less. I was figuring him out. Only to tear him to shreds later. I kneed him in stomach, causing him to slide down the wall with a blissful look on his face as he stared up at me.

"But you know what?" I asked, placing my boot at his crotch confirming what i'd thought the first day i'd been questioned.

      He was aroused as I applied more and more pressure until he squirmed from the pain I inflicted upon him.

"I think I know even more than that now." I finished.

"You're a masochistic pervert. Aren't you?" I questioned, removing my foot and crouching down to eye level with him.

"Or are you just that lonely here?" I crooned softly, studying every last drop of emotion that filtered through those eyes of his.

       I wondered how long its been since he'd had satisfaction. He was playing right into my hands. I could use him if I had to.

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