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A/N: A surprise blizzard has struck everyone. Leaving Issac and company stranded. This here is no good for Issac with seemingly less of a grip as to what he does and doesn't do. Being our impulsive little brat he of course makes a decision that goes against everything Sharon wants him to do.



"If anything happens to me I snuck out." I assured the guard at the wall as Darren and Jason were waiting for me.

I wasn't going to let them go out and clear a building on their own. Even more so now since their last outing almost resulted in getting infected. And my parental instincts kicked in.

"Mrs. West wants you safe. We can't just let you waltz in there deputy." A woman countered, seeming to not be budging.

"He is my son. And I want to make sure he's safe doing the job he's supposed to do. Can you fault me for that?" I huffed impatiently.

"He's survived 6 years on his own." Jason offered, taking my side.

"And I could do it again." I tacked on, crossing my arms as the woman let out an exasperated sigh.

"If anything happens out there radio for help immediately. Don't take on more than you can chew." She informed, caving into my demands.

"Thank you. Just going to clear a building with these two. We won't be in too much danger." I assured her as she commanded the men overhead to open the gate.

Stepping through the threshold felt freeing. I'd been cooped up in this compound for days now. The snow and ice finally starting to melt meaning we could leave perhaps in a few more days. The gate closed behind us we set off in silence as my senses got to work.

"So what was it like out there in LA?" Jason asked as we roamed the abandoned sect of the campus.

I'd grown used to being asked questions like this by Darren and Jason by now. Something I used to be hypersensitive too.

"Its honestly scary out there on your own. You have to think about everything you do. Sleeping with one eye open." I explained, drawing my pistol and shooting down a partially frozen tweaker.

"How did you sleep?" Darren asked.

"I slept in pretty obscure high-up places. I once called a museum home and slept on a net above an aerial display." I mused, thinking of some of the other odd places i'd laid my head down to rest.

"And on top of a ferris wheel on Santa Monica pier." I shrugged, a barbaric's roar being heard ringing through the air. I drew my tanto, wanting to deal with it so these kids didn't have to.

"Dad you're down a weapon. Me and Jason will handle it when it shows up." Darren assured me.

"And you're still recovering." Jason tacked on with a teasing smile.

"Ha, ha." I replied flatly, returning my sole tanto back to its sheath.

I lead the way out into the open, hearing the loud footfall echoing off brick walls. I turned, seeing it running through the alley behind us.

"Sweeping roll Jason." Darren said quickly before I could ready myself.

He dove forward with his sword ready. He was nimble, slashing out the tendons of the freakish barbaric that had joined bodies with another. When it stumbled forward Jason delivered a brutal upward swing of his machete. Though I noticed he didn't slash deep enough and was about to be impaled on a flailing arm. I dove forward, knocking him out of the way, rolling over him and onto my feet. I fired with my pistol, hearing blunt thuds as the bullets failed to pierce. I pushed my still recovering body even more, running and bounding off of a wall to deliver a kick. Though with its increased size I couldn't gain enough height. I landed, slipping out of the way just in time.

Book Two: From DeathWhere stories live. Discover now