So Many Ways

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A/N: We catch up with Issac and Benjamin the moment they get back to Highland. They didn't succeed in finding Kora. And honestly I don't think they should. Who do you think is the ritualistic killer? Sound off. Its something quite unexpected I will say~!



Just getting through the gates I let out a breath I wasn't sure I was holding. Waiting for us was our respective families, one other I didn't quite recognize.

"Go catch up with your people. I'll deal with them." Benjamin whispered in my ear.

As I drew near it wasn't long before I was embraced in a tight hug from Darren. He pulled away about to ask me something when Adam came in for a hug. His embrace was relaxing. Something so warm it made my feel all fuzzy inside. I looked on seeing my mother.

"Everybody might as well pile in. I'm no hugger." I sighed, humored as they seemed to be waiting their turns. Jonas was the first to join, the others all embracing me. I felt tense and terrified. The only thing stopping my shivering being the even pressure of hugs all around me. It brought back memories of that night.

"I told you all i'd be back." I smiled as we all parted from the group hug.

"Never doubted ya." Jonas sighed contentedly.

"Hey dad?" Darren asked, catching my attention as he shuffled his feet.

"Yeah?" I returned.

"Never mind. I'll ask you later. You're probably tired from being out all that time." Darren smiled softly.

I appreciated his gesture. I was tired. Me and Benjamin traveled so many miles on foot even after Ezekiel's death. Leaving me fatigued and sleep deprived. It was early in the day still yet I felt like I needed a lot of sleep. Benjamin had gotten chewed out by Ellis for taking me out on a mission while I was still recovering when we settled into camp last night. And I was sure he'd give me an earful when he was done with his brother.

"You didn't get hurt out there did you?" My sister asked, holding little Jericho in her arms.

"Didn't give anything the chance." I assured her with a weak smile.

It wasn't entirely true. The bit of sleep I did have was plagued by that moment of being pinned down over and over. I'd had other bad things happen to me before. But none of them stuck with me like this. It was like I could feel them still all over me. I could still hear their snarls. And the pummeling of their fists. The sounds of their shrieks. The suffocating heat.

"Let's let him get his rest. He can tell us about his adventure tomorrow." My mom scolded everyone, shooing them all off.

She however did steal a moment for herself, embracing me in a quick hug.

"Get some rest Izzy. Okay? I can tell it was rough out there just by looking at you." My mother soothed before parting with me.

"I will." I assured her.

I was left with Adam who looked happy to see me.

"I missed ya mate." He grinned. That smile could melt anything. I wasn't sure how I didn't see it until now. But he was a charmer.

"I missed you to Adam." I replied with a small smile.

"Can I offer you a ride back?" He asked, his grin growing even more as he pointed to a little matte grey car.

Seeing it sparked some old memories. And the fact that he thought to bring a car to drive us back to the house was even nicer.

"I used to have one of those in that exact color combo before all of this went down." I sighed, approaching the Smart Fortwo.

Book Two: From DeathWhere stories live. Discover now