Closer To Me

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A/N: This chapter will be the day the group returns. Albeit a bit later in the day. The chapter pertaining to the mystery mentioned in the last note will be after this one. It will walk alongside the poem of sorts that this story started with. A different meaning but the other speaking of the future while the other talks of the how between beginning and end.



       Waiting in the study of his room, Benjamin came strolling in after speaking with his mother about Carlos' fate. It was a messy exchange. Not in a loud sense. But the raw emotion that lingered on words exchanged was odd. Benjamin sat across from me at the table as I drew a breath. I was tired and wanted nothing more than to curl up in bed or get away from it all. But the day wasn't done with me yet and I knew Adam, Jonas and Darren would all be waiting for a word with me.

"Congratulations on finding our missing person." Benjamin clapped, pouring himself something that looked to be wine.

"Didn't take long surprisingly. Though it was quite a ways out." I began as he collected another expensive looking glass, pouring some into it as well and pushing it over.

"You know I don't drink." I huffed, rolling my eyes as he wore that same wolfish grin.

      Though at the same time I wanted to escape from life for a little while. I'd have snuck out but with what happened earlier today I didn't want to take any chances. So for once I'd take him up on his offer.

"Might be a little strong for you. But you deserve the break." He smiled, downing his as I. winced at the intense smell it gave off before taking a cautious sip. Though surprisingly it was pretty pleasant in flavor.

"So you're one of the most rational people I know. I suppose I can tell you this now." Benjamin began.

"And what's that?" I asked cautiously.

"Kora. Me and Ezekiel took her." He revealed bluntly. I actually had to do a double take.

"What the hell?" I exclaimed, getting up from my seat.

"Calm down. Its not for the reason you think. Let me explain. He urged, getting up to lock his bedroom door.

       This seemed shady. Very shady. But I was armed, he wasn't or so I thought. I sat back down, eyeing him intently.

"We took her to a secure cabin in the woods. Was going to wait a few days and go back out and get her. She was gone when we went to look." He ventured on, pouring himself another glass of wine.

"Why would you do something like that Benjamin?" I questioned, my body tense as I felt compelled to finally do something aggressive about him.

"It was to give people hope that the lost can be found. Went south in planning though." He explained smoothly, seeming to not care all the psychological trauma that girl gained out there.

"She's not okay Benjamin. She's seen things out there that even I wouldn't have been able to escape with my life." I argued.

"We were going to find her. And you did." He shrugged, seeming to not understand my emotions.

      I downed the rest of my alchohol as he quickly refilled my glass. I was stressed, though the nippy liquid was helping. I felt warm and fuzzy inside, my limbs a little heavy. Was this a buzz?

"That still doesn't mean it was the right thing to do." I shot back, taking some more sips of my drink.

"Deputy I believe you need some rest. You've been up against a lot. I'll take care of everything for a little while." Benjamin said, his voice holding sincerity though my head was swimming and I couldn't quite focus on much more.

Book Two: From DeathWhere stories live. Discover now