Soul'd Out

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A/N: We catch up with Issac a month after the events of last chapter. Lots will happen in this chapter as things heat up before cooling down. In these remaining chapters i'll start dropping some more hints as to what the last book of this series will revolve around. It'll all make sense! This song perfectly describes a character's true nature in this chapter. A abrupt reveal. But that's how it is sometimes! And I don't like perfect characters!



I closed a folder on a new report I had on the desk in my office. People have been coming up missing for quite a few years according to Benjamin. I didn't have time to focus on that at the moment as I'd just finished up some things. This would be the first time i'd stepped foot outside the wall in months. I was nervous. But my desire to see my nephew was more than enough to get me out there to brave the snow and walk all the way there. My body had made some decent strides to recover and I was just greeted by the occasional ache.

Adam of course wanted to come with me. But he was battling a cold and needed to stay in and get better. Plus some time alone out there would do me some good. I left my office, pulling on my jacket. Benjamin had done his part in getting me outside these walls. His mother wanted me safe and escorted. But Alisha going in to labor was almost perfectly timed as the number of people needed to escort me couldn't be spared. And she wasn't going to prevent me from seeing my nephew. Darren and Jonas were able to leave the day before me, meaning the path there should be clear; something Benjamin brought up.

I headed out of the station, waving as I went. The snow was something I didn't like at all. It made moving problematic and tiresome. But I still pressed on anyway towards the gate. I looked up at Benjamin who crouched down and shot me a smile that was intent on being charming. The gate opened up before me it all sank in. And I just wanted to run out and never come back. It was suffocating in those walls. But I had to stay anchored here. I couldn't leave and after this i'd probably go right back to being stuck in the walls. The gates closing behind me I set off into the snowy landscape that stretched out before me.

I kept my pace quick, not wanting to encounter anything and be so limited in what I could do physically. Being armed and having my harness strapped to my chest was an odd sensation now after walking around for so long without anything. I felt on edge, so for my own sake I drew my blades and had them at the ready. The silence and sole crunch of the snow under my steps was slowly maddening me. I slowly but surely made it to the stretch of mansion-like houses I'd seen my very first day being here. The several abandoned cars blocked my line of sight and put on even higher of an alert.

Then I heard something crunch in the snow behind me. I spun around to investigate just as a loud bang rang out and I felt a pain in my side. I ducked into cover, hearing loud footsteps approaching me. My mind was racing as to who or what was attacking me. I looked down at my blood staining my grey shirt, relieved that I was just grazed. I quickly got up, pushing my body into action as I took off across the snowy yard of a house. Another shot rang out, almost hitting me and striking the ground just before me as I pushed up the hill. I kept my running pattern erratic, until I got up to the front door of the house, throwing myself through the door and not breaking pace. I quickly hid behind the door as I was certain I was being chased.

My thoughts were confirmed when I heard booted footsteps surge into the door. Moments later a large pick was slammed into the door, just barely missing impaling me. With all my might I kicked off the wall, tearing the door from its already damaged hinges and knocking my attacker down just as they yanked their ice-pick free. I surged forward with killing intent yet I was forced to stop just short of killing out of curiosity. When I yanked off the ski-mask of my attacker I was left shocked and horrified by the venomous glare I was greeted by. I was knocked dizzy and kneed in the ribs and I was knocked off of him. I tried to reach for his gun when I recovered, intent on ending this as soon as I could now. He kicked it out of the way and towards him as I stumbled up and ran for the stairs, flying up them. I ducked into a room I spotted, panting heavily from the scuffle.

Book Two: From DeathWhere stories live. Discover now