Rend Asunder

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A/N: Even chapter names mean something. Some may see them as peaks into the single chapter they give an indentity to. But they're telling of short-term future events to happen as well. What will you all piece together with the names so far?



        Adam had hopped over the counter of the final pharmacy in town. He'd given me some space today. Either for fear of his life, or being a decent human-being. He'd stayed up all night while I slept off fatigue. Perhaps I could trust him? He was slowly proving himself to be forthright despite his sometimes violent tendencies when dealing with tweakers and lurkers. Or his perverse nature.

"Found it!" He called, hopping back over the counter as relief washed over me.

     I'd hate to return empty handed. It might mean my freedom could not be granted. Adam approached me, happy and beaming. He raised a hand only to retract it. I heaved a sigh, clapping my hand with his in a simple gesture. I retracted into myself right that instant.

"What is it?" I asked, curious as he lead the way, guard noticeably lower now than it was yesterday.

"I was told not to say." He shrugged, singing some sort of song.

     This experience had been taxing, pulling and snagging at my thoughts in various ways. I'd packed so many things away with the intent to get back to them later. But I never quite did. This was the most human contact I've had outside of that cell in years.

"So. I never asked. How old are you? I'd hate to be hitting on a minor." He smiled.

"What month is it?" I returned dully, knowing how many years it'd been; just not the specific time of year.

"Its July 30th." He replied.

"I'm 27 then." I huffed, hoping he'd leave it alone.

"Never would have thought you were pushing 30. I don't mind them a little older than me. I'm 25." He joked, clicking his tongue.

      If only he could see me rolling my eyes underneath this mask. I'd been proud of myself surprisingly. I kept my urges under control. Adam seemed to trust me more too with his guard so low. His flirting was annoying. But different than being my own company.

"I never said you were my type." I quipped flatly.

"Ouch." He sighed, as I took in details of our surroundings as we walked.

"Pretty and thorny. I think you'll warm up to me soon enough." He chuckled, swinging his bat for extra emphasis.

     His flirting never seemed to cease since today. He'd picked up on my changes, exploiting each and every one as a chance to make advances. That wasn't to say he wasn't an attractive man on the exterior. You'd have to either be blind or foolish to think he wasn't. He was the type of man i'd avoid. The kind that knew how good he looked and capitalized on it. I'd dated a man like him a few months before any of this mess started and for good reason I broke it off.

"Y'know. Normally I like a firm grasp and a collar with my relationships. But you kind of blurred some lines." He shrugged, talking as if we were already together.

"You can't handle me." I mused, lifting off my poncho as the weather had grown hot.

"I'll take the challenge." He shot back instantly.

     Our conversation was clipped short as a tweaker came running at us with a screech. Adam stepped up, tossing his shotgun onto me as I clumsily tried to catch it. When I secured it in my hands he'd already killed the infected with his bat. He turned, a triumphant smile on his face. Though that dropped when I felt a brutal weight collide into me from behind. I got careless and dropped my guard far too much. I stumbled forward into some rubble, falling forward and my ankle twisting awkwardly. I spun around quickly before the tweaker baring down on me could pounce. I took aim, firing the shotgun and killing the tweaker. I got up, shaken as I tried to calm instinct that tried to take over. I took a step, being greeted by a shooting pain in my left ankle. It was dizzying as I leaned against a nearby car.

Book Two: From DeathWhere stories live. Discover now