His Shadow

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A/N: Keeping it building. To the point it becomes suffocating. I love Issac with all my heart when it comes to characters. But his development is far from done. I'm far from done with others. And I have my sights set on some others that are in need of my development~! We catch up with Issac a week after the events of last chapter. Time is ticking down.



"One day this cold will go away." My sister Alisha huffed as we were making our way through the forest around the community.

     Something strange had happened the other day. The body of Ezekiel was placed outside the front gate, mangled and torn into. It was something that struck a deep blow as across his stripped chest as a massive gash. It was alarming to say the least as that was about 15 miles from the community. So Sharon had wanted us to form multiple teams and sweep the land around the community for signs of someone being here. So on this team was me, Daniel, Alisha, Adam, and Jonas.

"Spring is pretty close. And I can't help but agree." I sighed, the cold being something I was no fan of.

      I all but avoided Jonas and Adam today. Jonas actually showed up and brought me some flowers from the greenhouse with a lengthy note attached to the bouquet. It made Adam a little uncomfortable as he was there. Hell it made me uncomfortable. But I had larger and more pressing things to worry about. And reminding me of that was something that caught my eye. Approaching a tree I saw a large slash gored into it. Running my fingers across the tree that attempted to leak sap to cover its injury, the image of another familiar slash came back.

"What do you think this is?" Alisha asked as she approached the tree as well, scanning our surroundings.

"I don't know." I replied shakily.

     We began hiking again, this time the formation changing and Adam ending up at my side. He would do nothing but distract me. But I couldn't avoid him of all people forever.

"So..." He began clumsily, not seeming to know where to start. All the while I had retracted into myself as I just wanted to melt into the ground.

"You and Jonas? What's that about?" He asked, referring specifically to the flowers Jonas insisted on getting me.

"Its nothing Adam. He's just been stressing over Carlos. I can't point him in the right direction though." I sighed, just being honest.

"I really like Jonas. A lot of respect for that guy. If he wants you I won't stand in his way." Adam said, catching me off guard. But it irked me. But I had to calm myself down as I had to remember that Adam and Jonas were different.

     I knew Jonas would fight tooth and nail for me. Adam wasn't as much of a fighter. And he was much more gentle than he gave himself credit for. I really liked that about him. He knew who I was at this moment in time. Jonas would have to learn about me all over again and I didn't have the patience for that.

"Adam. I like you. A lot by now. And I won't be swayed by Jonas. Not now. Or ever. It was in the past." I rambled, our patrol stopping abruptly.

"Issac. Come look at this." Alisha called, catching my attention. We had entered a small clearing, every tree baring a large gash into their thick trunks. I approached the nearest one Alisha and Daniel were clustered around.

"This one is the fifth i've seen so far." Alisha remarked.

"What do you think about this?" Alisha tacked on as she turned to me.

     My fingers tracing the length of the scar was like a trigger for something i'd seen ages ago. Adam looked at me with the same haunted look I was probably wearing.

Book Two: From DeathWhere stories live. Discover now