Ages ago

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A/N: This will be a Jonas perspective. Will he have noticed Issac's avoidance? I want so badly for this to not veer away. So this is why I have decided to make them go by foot instead of taking Adam's truck (which one of you so kindly pointed out in dm's). Jonas would have been able to directly speak to Issac. I want to leave some things in the shadows for now for plot building and emotional depth! Anyway, enjoy.



Our team left the safety of the walls and ventured into the wilds that existed outside their confines. I was taking up the rear with Carlos while I stared ahead at one person I never expected to see again. He was talking with the man he arrived with, a laugh or smile being exchanged by them every so often. Was that man his partner? I guess I couldn't judge 'cause I was married. But still, it felt awkward.

"So how's it feel having him alive?" Carlos asked, a warm smile.

"Good. But it feels awkward. I thought he was dead for years." I remarked.

"Well, I personally am very happy. Someone like that coming back after all these years is a godsend." Carlos replied thoughtfully, pulling me into a hug as we walked.

I looked ahead, happy to see Darren so happy. He'd been so moody lately that it's been hard living with him at times. When Ellis called him over his radio and he told me the news he'd looked like he was about to explode into a rainbow from joy. He hovered around Issac and his partner. Every time I'd try to talk to him he didn't seem to see me. Probably from that mask he wore.

"Why don't you go talk to him before Darren wears him out?" Carlos proposed.

"I don't even know what to say." I replied, chickening out.

"As you say. Don't be a little bitch and go talk to him." Carlos urged, giving me a shove from behind and push.

"You're so supportive. Even for stuff I don't wanna do." I huffed, turning around before I turned to go the rest of the way.

"It's the right thing to do." He whispered, a devious grin on his plump lips.

Luckily to spare me, Issac was left alone as we walked, Darren and the man he came with talking just ahead of him. I caught up, tapping him on the shoulder after some deliberation. He turned, revealing that pretty face of his and making me reconsider everything. Though as I studied the details of his face I saw a scar running down his left eye, bringing some questions to mind.

"Hey." I greeted. Not knowing what to say.

"Hey?" He replied, a questioning tone to his voice.

"Err, how have you been?" I questioned.

"Good and bad." He shrugged, turning his attention forward.

He seemed so much more different. The warmth he radiated was replaced by something different. It was so far away that I didn't know just what it was.

"How have you been?" He asked, turning his gaze on me for just a moment before looking off at something else.

"Good?" I said, seeming unsure how to even talk to him now. It wasn't like before where we could go ages without speaking and things picked up like no time had passed.

He seemed so guarded.

"So that your boyfriend?" I blurted in an attempt to make conversation. My choice of words was poor.

"No. And his name is Adam. He is special to me though. Without him, I wouldn't have made my way back here." He mused, his breath billowing out before him.

Book Two: From DeathWhere stories live. Discover now