Tore Up

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A/N: This chapter will have action. Not of the romancy variety either. We catch up with Issac some days later after the events of the last chapter. This mini-arc has been a nice and soft detour that served to deepen character development. It also serves as some foreshadowing as to what is to come! Pay attention to everything that seems unusual!



Walking down the sidewalk I steeled myself. I'd found my suspect. It was from an interaction between Daisy and a man. She'd spoken with others in our time spent together and I never saw someone evoke quite a reaction. She was quite literally terrified; the fear like a bitter taste on my tongue. It was a man, he had a bit of size on me. Then again I wasn't the burliest of men myself at 5'6". She avoided talking about him while I softly questioned her about who it was. I think this was the man I was looking for. This interaction happened days ago. And in that time I've carefully stalked him around the community, finding out his schedule and where he lived. Even what occupation he held in the community. He was a survey scouter, meaning he probably had some combat skills should this devolve. I was going into this passively as I could muster. But I was just prepared to put him down with any means needed.

Eventually made my way to the townhomes of the community. I'd asked Sharon about this man for further information. She'd said Daisy and him had gotten a divorce some months back after the birth of their youngest daughter. And after the divorce, he moved here to get away from her. Heaving a breath I walked up the steps feeling my heart in my throat. I didn't want the people out and about to have to see just what I could do. I had an image to uphold. I knocked on the glass of the screen door, the main door open. He should be here at this hour. I got to see patrols and surveys back at the station. A few moments later I was greeted by a graying man who looked surprised to see me.

"What can I do for you deputy?" He asked, looking over at my badge on my arm.

"Just some questions. Mind if I come inside?" I asked, the jingling of the cuffs I had on my belt-loop reminding me to do this peacefully.

"Sure thing." He said, opening the door and allowing me inside. He lead the way deeper into the townhouse to a sitting area, picking up a shot glass and pouring some brown alcohol into it.

"Want some?" He asked, pouring himself a glass as well.

"No thanks." I declined, wanting to get this over with quickly.

"Suit yourself." He belched, downing his and what would have been my shot.

"So. I have a question." I spoke, clearing my throat of a lump that was threatening to seal off my voice.

"Ask away deputy." He replied, seeming too drunk to care.

"I have a suspicion that you were involved in the rape of a woman named Daisy. Care to tell me if you know anything about that?" I asked, deciding to start heavy.

He froze mid hiccup, eyes wide as he set down his glass. I was almost certain he was the man I was looking for. All I needed was for him to confess and come with me to the station where I could hand him off to Benjamin.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He stuttered. His voice denied my accusation, while his body told me he was lying with other subtle things.

"I'm going to need you to come with me to the station for further questioning." I said, skipping steps. But then again I was no cop. I lacked the training.

"Like hell I will!" He bellowed, lunging for me. Before I could respond he was on me, knocking me back in the chair I sat in.

I felt his arms reach underneath my coat, disarming me instantly. A cold bolt of fear shot through me as I carried a knee up and into his chest, moving to pin him down. But before I had the chance he caught me on his shoulder charging forward and sending me flying through the french-doors that closed off this room from the rest of the house and into a wall. I shook my head and sobered up just in time to roll out of the way of a stomp. I looked into the room seeing my radio out of reach. I couldn't call for backup. And he was no slouch. He was able to disarm me of my blades and my call for backup.

Book Two: From DeathTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang