Positively Flawed

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A/N: This chapter takes place the same night of the last chapter. Though i'll clear up exactly when as I tell the story of this chapter. This will also be an Issac perspective as he settles in for the first night back in "civilization". This will also be a long chapter. 



"That was the longest hot shower I've had in years." Adam sighed, toweling his hair dry as he stepped out into the kitchen.

"My hair was so tangled that I think I may be bald." I huffed.

      I let Adam pick the house as I was uneasy about sleeping in any of them. Though I did make sure he picked something with good visibility for my nerves alone. It was a large contemporary or modern house; those two terms confused me. But it had large windows and a rooftop balcony.

"Looks fine to me. Ready to sleep in an actual bed tonight?" He asked, his smile growing even more as he dried his still wet bare chest.

"To be completely honest I stayed away from sleeping in buildings and houses while I was out there." I remarked, the anxiety this place gave me sky-rocketing.

"Why's that?" He asked, opening the fridge and giving a childish stomp as there wasn't anything in it at the moment.

"People would search them at all hours of the days or nights. Bad experiences so I slept in unconventional places." I explained briefly.

"That explains you sleeping on a damn ferris wheel." He gasped, animatedly.

"Bingo." I said dryly.

"I would say we could share a room but we have so much space!" He smiled, gesturing around to the honestly beautiful house he'd picked out. Each street seemed to have a different architecture type. This street seemed to be more modern designs with lots of flat rooflines and geometric shapes.

"I'll survive." I huffed, rolling my eyes.

"I know I will. I'm wiped." He sighed, sitting down at the breakfast table I sat at, staring out into the backyard alongside me.

"There's a pool! I didn't notice that." Adam gasped, looking starry-eyed.

"Yeah." I said flatly, staring out over its moonlit surface.

     Ellis had explained to me and Adam how this place came to be. Government officials and other high-status members of society were evacuated here to this project neighborhood at the start of the outbreak. Reinforced walls were added to the fences that kept infected out. This neighborhood was a sustainability project by some eccentric billionare who had it constructed and then promptly moved onto her next business venture. It had a solar grid and gathered electrical power from a hydro-electric dam which they then secured and kept running. It supplied water and electricity to this community. Meaning from the start the majority of these people had comfort.

"So what do we do tomorrow?" Adam asked suddenly, looking at me from across the table.

"Ellis was going to take us to see his mother. Something about jobs and contributing. Which i'm all for. If I had to spend all my time in these walls i'd go insane." I huffed.

"I like it in here. You can be as loud as you want and not worry about infected. Its assuring." Adam countered.

"I like my freedom to come and go as I please. But I have the sneaking suspicion that they want to keep an eye on me." I explained.

"And why's that?" Adam asked, running his hands through his wild black hair in an attempt to calm it.

"Mentally wounded person from the past shows up years later. Admits to killing countless people for the equivalent of a bad habit." I listed, resting my chin in the palm of my hands.

Book Two: From DeathWhere stories live. Discover now