To Life: Teasers

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A/N: Just like the first book. This one will have teasers of moments to come. I'll be a bit more lax about hiding and encrypting things. Not really much I can hide as I purposely exposed some of the book's innerworkings. Anyway, enjoy!


Teaser One: Awakened

       A repeated beeping could be heard echoing off the walls of my mind. They gradually grew louder and louder. When the sound normalized I blinked my eyes open, my vision like I was staring through white fabric. After a few more blinks things stabilized and cleared up. Turning my head was exhausting. Though when I finally did I saw various cables and tubes running into my arms. And there was something in my mouth. And the more I thought about it I felt something running down my throat. Straining my eyes even further I saw a sleeping head on pristine white sheets.

 My hands restrained I tried making a noise. It was strangled and faint. But the effort was enough to increase the beeping on the monitor I assumed was overhead. A face shot up that I recognized. But some details were fuzzy.

"You're awake!" The man said as I realized his hand was grasping at mine. I felt like everything was millions of miles away and responses were agonizingly slow. 

    He quickly got up, and running out of the door as I tried to shake my head to rid it of the tubing and mask I had on my face. Moments later more familiar faces came in. Of all the names that came to mind I remembered my mother's face among them all. Someone slipped my mask off, gently coaxing some tubing out of my throat. My voice felt hoarse and like I was sick with a sore throat. Swallowing was a simple action that took so much effort and hurt like hell.

"Do you remember any of us?" A man who's voice carried an odd country accent asked.

      They all looked familiar to me. Though I couldn't remember names. Where did I meet them again? There was a small baby being held by a young woman with tears in her eyes. This child, I remembered the baby.

"I-...." I began, my voice failing.

      Words were floating around in my head. But snagging something seemed impossible so I thought about what I wanted to say.

"I told you all that he may have some memory loss. Damage wasn't severe so most of it should come back." That soft-spoken man speaking again.

"Issac." My mother called, softly, tears welling up in her eyes.

"I...Do." I croaked out simply.


Teaser Two: Taken

          Raising my forearm just in time a devastating kick was delivered near the side of my head. I was sent rolling but I collected myself quickly and lunged forward with the intent to kill. This betrayal was unforgivable. Though my opponent was no slouch and countered my tanto with his machete.

"Why are you doing this?!" I shouted forcing him back with anger fueled strength.

"You did this to yourself!" He shouted back, surging forward and back. I threw my tanto and I stumbled backwards, having it swatted aside by his machete. I dipped back into my arsenal for my chain sickle. Though before I could send out my length of chain I felt a small pain slashed across the the back of my neck.

      I was on borrowed time. Daniel was paralyzed by this same toxin and I was the only person able to get us out of this alive. And to do that I had to kill these two. Though when I gathered up the strength to swing my chain my body fell limp and crumpled underneath me as I fell to the forest floor. The blazing ring of fire around us was a trap after all. I fell in such a way that me and Daniel made eye contact. This might just be it for us. I couldn't let anything happen to him no matter what so I fought to move but my limbs refused to listen. In the distance I heard my whistled tune echoing out in the air around us. It was the only help i'd get but fire was a deterrent and these two learned that.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2020 ⏰

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