Left Me Fallin'

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A/N: Not really much to say in this note as I don't want to give much away. But all I can say is big things are coming loves. Be ready and stay ready. And don't get distracted! This chapter takes place during the same night as the last for some time context.


"Wooo!" I heard a voice shout, my eyes flying open.

     I managed to roll my sleepy body out of the way just in time as a machete was brought down right next to me. I shot up, turning to call for Adam. But I was gripped by the throat and thrown into the wooden table of the truck bed, being knocked senseless. I wasn't given time to recover as the man attacking me had come at me again, pinning me down to the table as he tried to slash my throat with his machete.

"Shhh." He silenced between fits of maniacal laughter.

"Adam!" I managed to shout as my head was growing light from being choked.

     Shortly after a loud shot rang out as the man's head exploded all around me. Adam stepped out from the cab of the truck, looking around wildly. I collected myself, seeing bright light flood into the dim interior of the truck.

"Shit." Adam cursed, running past me and out of the truck. 

      I pulled on my boots, collecting my weapons and mask before I rushed out to join him. The sight before us was starkly different than what we fell asleep to. A massive fire was surging through the stadium. People running and screaming from more infected than I'd seen in a while. In addition to that, there were unusual faces running through and attacking the people of the stadium.

"Find Daryl. We might have to evacuate." Adam barked, spinning me around and gripping me by the shoulders.

"I can't just leave you." I said, knowing full well what I might be pushed to do tonight.

"Fucking go!" He shouted, shoving me off.

"I'll fill up the truck. Meet me back here with Daryl." He commanded, his tone making me shiver.

      I gave him a nod, sprinting off and through the blazing fires. I wasn't running long before I heard an angry screech coming at me from behind. I spun around, flourishing my tantos, and putting down the tweaker. But in the midst of recovering from my attack, I was blindsided and knocked to the ground. Pinned underneath a woman I felt fear rise up in my throat. Then I saw something that chilled me even further as time seemed to slow. On her neck was a tattoo of a sleeping owl. Time ceased its crawl, speeding back up. I dug deep, reaching beside me and grabbing a burning stick, burning my palms from the embers before I rammed it into her face. I used that distraction to knee her in the stomach, leaving her stunned as I quickly got back up and took off.

     For the first time in years, I was actually terrified, the fear making me jittery. I forced my way through the various infected or maniacal men while I tried to save people from being attacked. This either went on while I was sleeping or it ran through brutally. Many familiar faces were dead as I was hoping this was nothing but a dream. When I made it to the stairwell, there was a monstrosity blocking my way. A bulky lurker with strange stalks erupting from all over its body. It let out a roar that shook me. What the hell was this?! Did those freaks bring it here? No time to think it rushed me, stalks sharp as spears upon further inspection. 

     I side-stepped, sending it flying with a kick into the stadium seats nearby. But my fight or flight instincts had kicked in. When I was scared I tended to lean to the aggressive side of things. I leaped onto it, carrying it back down the stadium stairs, rolling down along with it, and winding myself. We parted, my body rolling across a landing. It recovered faster than me, bringing down a stalk speared arm and impaling the concrete as I narrowly escaped. I swept my legs outward, tripping it and knocking it down next to me again.

Book Two: From DeathTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang