Happy Without Me

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A/N: This is the next day for Issac. Worry not about Jonas and Adam. Adam's time in the spotlight is coming very soon as he's very important to character development. And Jonas just adds to the fire. He'll have his bit of development as well. He's a pretty established character; having went without change since we saw him in the last book. But enough of this note! Enjoy!



       It was the day of my welcome party, and by extension Adam as my family and friends deemed him my hero. In truth he was. And I owed him and Daryl a debt of gratitude i'd never be able to repay. I wanted to dress up for this event. And then I realized how uncomfortable wearing clothes that were presentable was. It was nothing fancy, and it could honestly pass for something casual. I finished fussing with my attire, feeling absolutely exposed not bringing my weapons with me. I did one last look over in the mirror. I'd shaved and neatened my facial hair. And did some fixing to my hair And for once I felt insecure about the scar running down my eye. For this casual look it seemed to be a glaring imperfection. I gave myself a shake, heading out to check on the two boys I'd have in company on the way to Carlos and Jonas' place. I peaked in on Darren, seeing that he'd bundled his blond hair into a bun atop his head much like mine, wearing something casual yet preppy. I then dashed over to Adam's room, seeing that he'd just finished getting ready.

"Come on boys." I called, heading downstairs. One thing that hadn't changed about me seemed to be my desire to never be late.

     Moments later Darren and Adam made it downstairs, both already joking about something. Adam and Darren got along well. Then again Adam got along with most people he'd encountered. It might have been that submissive aspect of his personality. Or perhaps he was just sociable regardless.

"Ready to go?" I asked, slipping on my shoes in the foyer

     I got two 'yeps' in return, and us leaving moments later. The walk to Jonas and Carlos' place was a little on the long side. With the fleet of electric cars being our primary transportation outside of the walls. We didn't allow them to drive through the neighborhood. It was to keep them all charged and in good shape for venturing beyond the walls. There were a few people out at this hour. Some talking as they made their way down the sidewalks. Carlos had personally come over after I got home from working today to tell me about the party. My mind was too distracted to probably enjoy it. I was thinking about my case and trying to force back the urge to hunt. I'd went last night the moment I could, almost staying out too late. And tonight that urge was so powerful it was most of what I thought about.

     My body in autopilot lead us to where we were to be. Over the front door was a banner that read welcome back Issac and Adam in my favorite color; sunflower yellow. How they remembered this detail was beyond me. Or it could be pure chance. I knocked on the door, waiting to enter. We were greeted by my mother who practically crushed us all in a vice grip of a hug. And that's when the night melted away as my mind was constantly on going out to hunt tonight. Everyone was in company. And Benjamin was here as well as he promised. Conversations were happening all around while my brain began racing to keep up with conversations that included me. It begun to overwhelm me and I found myself retreating into my own head, creating some distance and slipping off into a corner of the room while everyone else talked. Their excitement and happiness were positive emotions. But feeling so much of it directed at me had me shaken up. 

     I sat in my isolation for a few minutes before I was approached by Benjamin, someone I didn't have the energy for.

"Hey there deputy." He smiled, the devious nature lurking right beneath it's surface.

"What do you want Ben." I asked, rolling my eyes.

"Just for you to enjoy your party. Come sit with us. Adam said he's about to tell us a story." He urged, seeming to pick out my inner workings.

Book Two: From DeathOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant