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A/N: We slowly see Issac become more emotive in these chapters. It's all about pulling himself back together. Though he's not perfect yet. He's putting in the effort to do what is asked of him. Still unaware as to how broken he is.



       I stepped forward, the laces of the harness pulling tighter and tighter around my chest and upper ribs. Taking hold of the laces, I tied them, letting them hang from my back. I reached down, putting my tantos in their sheaths. I wasn't given back my chain mail so I felt naked even with my weapons. My crossbow was down to three bolts so that just added to it. Adam was waiting outside of my cell while I slowly got ready, forcing away the whispers. They'd all stop once I finished with the final piece. I reached down for the black sugar skull that stared up at me. I placed it over my face, the whispers fading slowly but surely. I felt safe and protected now. I tied it on, stepping out past Adam, keeping my hands on the strap of my crossbow.

"Nice of you to help out. People will be thankful." Adam mused as we walked side-by-side. As expected I got looks when we stepped out into the sunlight.

       Though I felt safe behind this mask. Though the ominous whispers of the people staring ate at me slowly.

"They're letting that monster out?" A woman gasped among the sea of sounds.

      I began humming, people clearing out of the way. But it was something to silence the whispers of my weapons and theirs. I'd done it when I needed to think clearly or when I was hunting. Adam took the lead while I did everything I could to not pounce on his turned back. He lead the way out of the stadium, various infected at the fence trying to get in.

"I wanna see you work. Take those on?" He said, his voice having a commanding tone to it that caught me off guard.

"Well?" He asked while I was locked in place, taking me off guard.

      I turned on him, and he instantly had his hand on his gun.

"I like a man that can take charge. But I like dominating just as much." He snickered, giving me a shove that sparked my instincts.

      With all the willpower I had, I used that to fuel me as did what Daryl preached; changing my focus. I stalked up to the fence,  setting my crossbow down. Decaying and injured hands grasped at me as I climbed the fence, standing atop a concrete column. I stared down at the building crowd. This many in the city? Perhaps it was because of my absence. About fifteen from my rough headcount. I drew my tantos, crouching down as I sized up an opening. This many at once I'd lure them out to spread them. Though the area in which I was fighting wouldn't allow for it. I leaped down, bounding off of a car I landed on. I recovered just in time to bound off of the side of the car to gain momentum to deliver a powerful kick to the skull of a lurker, snapping its neck and crushing its skull. I landed, using the left-over momentum to evicerate the neck of another with a tanto. 

     I backed up out of the path of a tweaker that came screeching at me. I jumped up as it came at me again, delivering two kicks to its chest, placing the majority of my weight on my right leg as it was further back than my left. I bounded off of that leg, lunging forward and running my blades through its skull. The whispers my weapons voiced grew louder and louder as my vision went red and instinct took over. I tore into the remaining with barbaric force, tearing them down and flaying them until I stood among their dead bodies, panting.

      I quickly locked down on myself, sheathing my tantos after I flicked the blood from them. I calmed down, hearing some claps from Adam.

"You assassinate the living and do even worse to the spazzers and sloths." He mused, opening the gate, handing me my crossbow.

Book Two: From Deathजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें