The Interlude

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A/N: The Interlude. It displays what is to come. Perspectives will be encrypted as usual for things of this nature. It won't be long as I can't give away too much. But what I can do is reveal some other things that are veiled and locked away in a puzzle of sorts. Pay just a little attention and I reveal who is who.



      There was a knock at my door and I was greeted by someone familiar. A charming man who wore an interesting smile.

"Do you have some time alone to speak?" He asked.

      I'd just gotten back this morning. So timing was perfect as I had the place to myself.

"Yeah. Sure." I replied, beckoning him inside.

       We'd sat in the living room. He sat across from me, wearing a troubled look. He was a confident man. A friend of everyone. And to see him this troubled seemed out of character.

"You and I both know this person i'm about to tell you about." He began slowly.

"I've known of him longer. A lot longer. But you know who it is i'm talking about?" He questioned, beating around the bush. I was instantly filled with that same fury and betrayal. He saw this in my expression, smiling and catching me off guard.

"I'm not here to scold you for what you've done. But I have a proposal." He smirked, leaning in.

"I've done some things. Some very bad things." He began again.

"What is it already?" I huffed.

"I can't say everything. But will you help me with something? It benefits the both of us." He went on.

"Just get to the point." I growled.

"He's getting close to running this place into the ground. When the time comes i'll let you know. We need to get rid of him no matter what it takes." He assured me.

"Collateral?" I questioned, interested in this proposition.

"Only him." He replied, getting up.

"If you can on your own i'll cover for you." He tacked on as he turned to leave.

"Was that all?" I questioned, following after him.

"We'll talk more. I'm already in the middle of some business." He replied.

       I let him leave, closing the door behind him. I couldn't get him out of my head. Surely he didn't want to end his life. But I did. I'd get back what he stole from me. He'd be a problem until he was killed.


A/N: The victim is obvious. The perspective is known the longer it goes on. But the mystery man is something new.

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