Strangers In A Dream

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A/N: So Issac and Jonas chapters will roughly alternate. Though there will be times where there will be more chapters for one than the other. Depends on how the story is progressing and who would provide the more interesting perspective. They occur during the same period in time; sometimes on the same days. Though in different locations. This will probably be Jonas' only perspective for a little while. I could write more but it would be equivalent to fluff. This is the only song that I recommend watching the video for as well! It conveys so much with the imagery. And it ties in perfectly with the purpose of this chapter!



"Darren! Breakfast!" I called out into the house.

      There was a delay as I assumed he was still getting ready for our escort assignment today. But I heard his steps descending down the stairs. He drifted into the kitchen.

"What did we say about weapons in the house? We're supposed to leave them in the garage." My husband, Carlos scolded Darren who was carrying his sword on his shoulder.

       Darren didn't reply, simply sending us both a nasty eye roll that stung quite a bit. He took some slices of toast before heading for the door.

"Where are you off to? We're all going together today." I asked, causing him to pause.

"Going to eat at Kora's. Promised her last night." He tossed out casually, the ease in which it left his mouth telling me he was lying about that promise. But I didn't have the emotional strength or energy to deal with his mood swings today.

      He left, closing the door rather roughly, leaving me and my husband in awkward silence. I let out a shaky sigh, stabbing at the food on my plate.

"I remember when I was his age I was a total dick. He'll lighten up soon." Carlos chuckled, leaning across the counter and placing a soft kiss on my forehead.

"I don't know what's always biting him in the ass." I huffed, feeling a little hopeless.

"Language. And hormones are powerful things, Jo." He shrugged.

"Plus you could always just ask him what's bothering him." He proposed wisely with a teasing smile.

"You're a genius but I've already tried that." I chuckled, finishing off my breakfast.

"And his answer?" He asked.

"He called me a dick before stormin' off." I sighed, getting up from my seat and taking mine and Carlos' plate over to the sink to wash them before we left.

"Brutal." He snickered.

"That boy used to be an angel. Now he's pricklier than huggin' a cactus." I returned, drying my hands, slightly amused.

       Me and Carlos headed to the garage of our house, collecting our weapons before heading out the front door. We were going to head over to Alisha and Daniel's place to collect Alisha. But they were already outside, Daniel fussing over her while they stood on the porch of their home.

"Yo Danny boy and wife!" I called, Alisha clutching her rounding belly before making a break for it. She came to hide behind me while Daniel ran over, their smiles and laughter intoxicating.

"Tell him he has to fix the solar panels." She laughed.

"But I wanna come too." Daniel complained, sounding like a child.

"Two birds two stones." Carlos said, taking Alisha's side in this playful banter.

"I'm just going to make sure they're putting things together correctly at the university." She sighed, stepping from behind me.

Book Two: From DeathWhere stories live. Discover now