To Fear: Act Two

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A/N: This chapter will explore a few moments leading up to what happened in the last chapter's ending. From a different set of eyes as well. This hopefully evokes the emotion i'd intended. It wasn't a sudden or rash decision on my part to do what I've done. It was fated and sealed earlier in advance and it was only a matter of time.



         Wedging my crowbar into the skull of a berserker I finished it off with a kick. A whistle signified an arrow whistling passed me as I looked back and saw Alisha with a smile. I wanted to chase after Issac and Adam but I couldn't leave Alisha on her own over here. He once again put himself into a place where he wasn't even sure he'd succeed. It was still a fault of his. I was snapped out of my stupor when a singular loud shot rang out and silenced the warring going on around us. Moments later I saw Adam and Issac running back. Issac had come back with so much ferocity I was sure he was just as fearsome as the beast he lured away. I'd always known he'd gotten good at taking life. But I never saw such a display of skill.

"Dad! Lookout!" Darren shouted as I turned just in time to see him clash with a barbaric. 

      I left Alisha's side for just a moment to help my son fight it off. With my height I was able to run my crowbar clean through a gap in its fungal armor. My attention was taken back from me when I heard a pained shout. I turned and saw a creeper sink its teeth into Adam's forearm. And my heart dropped further when I saw Issac rushing into action. He kicked Adam back and out of the way when things began sinking in. He was sacrificing himself!

"Cut it off!" Issac shouted just as he turned around again and was gored on the spines of a barbaric.

"Bambi no!" I shouted.

"Issac!" Alisha called as she ran to attack the barbaric from behind.

      The berserker let out a mighty roar as it lifted Issac into the air and threw him harshly aside. I stopped in my tracks as Alisha put it down with a mightly slash and severing its spine. I watched as Issac instantly tried to recover seeming to not understand how badly he was hurt.

"Bambi...Stop...." I croaked, running to his aid.

"Stay down!" I shouted, feeling my throat lock up and eyes sting as I drew closer.

     He grasped at a pistol and took a shot, firing and shooting down a creeper that had been running at Adam.

"Get Adam!" I shouted to Darren who was frozen in horror as he dropped his sword.

"Get him while he still has time!" I asserted again, giving him a shove.

     Only then did he start to move, rushing off to help Adam up. Alisha and I surrounded Issac while I scooped him up into my arms as he soaked my pants in blood instantly. He reopened his eyes as Alisha was looking him over and hastily trying to stop the bleeding. Though Issac raised a bloody hand and caught her by the wrist.

"I think this might be the end for me." He said softly, a small smile coming onto his face as I saw blood begin to trickle passed the corner of his lips.

"Get us a medic on the east side of main street!" I shouted over the radio as gunfire went off around us.

     Alisha ignored Issac and continued trying to stop his bleeding with tearful eyes while I was still in disbelief.

"You're not fucking leaving me Izzy!" She shouted again and again.

"I made the call." He sighed simply as his bleeding just soaked through any advances Alisha made.

Book Two: From DeathWhere stories live. Discover now