To Fear: Act One

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A/N: We dive into the last chapter today! Its been a long journey with so many ups and downs. I've tried giving breathing room while also making the progression of deeper and darker subject matter linear. Its been rough but we've finally made it. One more book before this series ends and i'll be talking about  what is to come in the teasers for the next book! Until then, enjoy. This will be a short chapter as its a two-parter. Jonas closing things down with his perspective.



      I bounded atop cars as I ran, making one final and mighty leap upward to grasp at a branch. I nearly slipped and fell when I was rung by a loud trumpet as infected elephants chased my patrol down.

"Get back to the community! I'll slow them down and catch up!" I commanded as Jonas turned to look at me as if I were crazy for jumping out.

"I'm not just leaving you here!" Jonas argued.

"Get the fuck out of here or I'll kill you myself! I will catch up!" I shot back.

      My words carried the weight I intended for them to, as he complied and shot me a nod and he sped off in his truck along with Darren and his best friend. I drew my sickle and tanto as I sat perched atop my target. It was like time slowed as I committed and the herd leader ran underneath me. I've killed a bear. I chanted this over and over as I slipped from the branch, slamming into the back of the elephant. I sank my tanto in for a hold. I was about to slash across the nape of its neck but I saw a shadow before me. I ducked just in time as it ran past a branch. The trumpeting was deafening from this close. I slashed with all my might, just barely tearing into the loose and partially rotted skin. I slashed again and again as I struck something deeper, the elephant pausing abruptly and almost sending me flying off its back.

       It paused, shaking violently as I clung on for dear life as the other members of the herd chased down the others. I committed to this more and more as I wanted to get down. I slashed again and again once more, revealing bone. I drew my pistol, unscrewing the silencer and discarding it as I clung on for dear life as the elephant had tried to shake me off. I shoved my pistol into the wound, firing every last bullet I had. I myself was so wrapped up in this primal aggression that I let out a feral scream of anger.

      The elephant's body caved underneath me suddenly as it fell to the ground. I was hooked on too deep to pull myself away and brace myself so the landing was rough as I was sent flying across the ground on impact. I was knocked winded, having just barely managed to protect my head. I however was up quickly, a little dazed as I heard a rumbling motor and a familiar bike roaring into sight. Benjamin? He was supposed to be gone for a little while longer.

"Get the fuck on deputy. Something is after me." He commanded as he came to an abrupt stop right before me. It took a moment for things to register when I saw an emotion on his face that I don't recall ever seeing; fear.

      I grabbed my tanto, climbing onto the back of his bike and clinging to him as he tore off, the roar of the engine drowning out my hearing. I risked a glance behind me to see something chasing us. Though what I saw chilled me to the bone.  A bulky body decorated in massive bright red spikes heaved itself across cars like a big-cat chasing down prey.

"What the hell is that?" I shouted, taking aim with my pistol after I reloaded it. I fired some shots and made contact. Though the nightmarish creature chasing me wasn't slowed down in the least bit, instead running faster and faster. It was gaining on us with each stride and I got a better and better look. Red glowing eyes struck me with a cold shiver that almost caused me to lose my grip.

       That was it! The monster that had been stalking our woods.

"Benjamin faster!" I commanded.

Book Two: From DeathWhere stories live. Discover now