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A/N: Cooling down from the events of last chapter we catch up with Issac a few days after Carlos' blow up. Its far from over loves. But we take a break from that plot-point to explore something else. Something a little lighter right before we delve back into the web of tension that has been building. But anyway, enjoy!



I was following behind Adam on a rather sunny day. He'd said he'd been bored cooped up in the walls so we left the house to go to the neighborhood park. I felt as if I made a mistake just a few nights ago. I essentially blew up on Carlos when in hindsight I should have been more gentle. Adam was vocal about the situation, hanging out with Jonas who clearly wasn't okay. Darren said he'd been forced to sleep in another bedroom. And Darren himself fled the situation as a whole, coming to stay with me and Adam again. It was a messy situation that seemed so unimportant.

To me surviving took priority and I didn't have time for petty relationship problems. They seemed like a distraction I didn't need. We eventually made it to the park, Adam insisting I carry this guitar that some others had found on a supply run. Of course he was quick to leap on it. The park was buzzing with the younger people of the community, making me feel a little off being here. We found a nice and quiet place under a tree. Adam halted me with an outstretched arm, setting down a basket and a blanket, sitting down and patting the plush surface before him.

"Guitar?" He asked.

I lifted it off my body, handing it over to him looking over at the life around us. It was really quite something how something so vibrant could exist in the middle of something so grim. My attention was called back to Adam when I heard the slow strumming of the guitar. Its as if he did that just to catch my attention with the grin he'd had on his face.

"Ever been serenaded?" He asked, cocking a brow in question.

"I don't recall." I replied dryly, just wishing I could be alone with my thoughts.

"I'm not good with the guitar or vocals. But I do dabble in songwriting." He explained, his smile growing as his strumming changed rythm to something slower until it smoothed out completely.

"An original song? I'm flattered." I teased, though my tone came out dryer than expected.

"No. One I used to listen to all the time back in uni." He smirked.

I just remained silent, listening as he strummed away on his newfound guitar. And finally he started singing; a bit off key. But I wouldn't shut him down since he seemed to be enjoying himself.

"I swear that you divine." He smiled.

"You got a way with me. Held too close like vines." He sang, head bobbing to the rythm of his guitar.

It was actually more soothing than I initially thought it would be and I found myself transfixed on him much deeper than i'd ever been. My relationship with Adam had been one that had continued to unfurl and reveal new aspects with each interaction. And he was slowly becoming someone I trusted blindly. I pegged him as a perverted masochist upon meeting him. But I couldn't be more wrong about that judgement. He turned out to be sweet and doting on everyone he quickly came to care about. And I felt bad for being so cold to him upon first meeting him. And our relationship constantly rising from a high to a low. Heck we'd even slept together right before becoming friends in only a platonic nature.

"Oh what I miss 'bout you. Tell me what you miss 'bout me." He sang, his sound winding down.

"Thanks Adam." I sighed.

"I can't sing for shit and my guitar could use some work." He chuckled, taking off his guitar and setting it down.

"Not even for that." I replied.

Book Two: From DeathWhere stories live. Discover now