Chapter 25

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Frank couldn't believe it was already his five month anniversary. Maybe they weren't having the most romantic night but they promised to have one once they got back home to Belleville. Instead, they were on the beach partying with their friends and a bunch of other random people. They were all pretty drunk by then, dancing and laughing.

"Baby, come here," Pete said. "Come swim with me."

Everyone was in suits on the beach but Jamia didn't want to take off her bathing suit cover. Frank knew why, she always got self conscious of her body.

"No, I-I don't really want to," Jamia said. "What if it's cold?"

Gerard instead followed him over to the water to swim with him.

"Mia, we're in Florida," Frank said. "You don't have to be worried about your body, you're beautiful. Go swimming, have fun."

Jamia looked down, shaking her head.

"What do you do when you and know...have sex and stuff?" He asked.

"We haven't," she said. "I-I get too self conscious, I don't want him to see me."

"You've been together for four months," he said. "Jamia, he really likes you. He likes you for exactly who you are. He thinks that you are so, so beautiful. And you are beautiful, you shouldn't have to worry about what anyone thinks of you."

Jamia sighed and nodded. Frank watched her go over to the shoreline and wave Pete over out of the water. She said something before he smiled and nodded, giving her a kiss. She took off her cover and joined him in the water. Frank smiled as a girl sat down beside him.

"I love your tattoos," she said. "You're pretty cute."

"I have a boyfriend," Frank said.

"Oh, you're gay?" she asked.

"No," he denied.

The girl looked confused but walked off anyways when she realized Frank wasn't available. Frank still hasn't completely figured out his sexuality but he finally decided that that was okay. He liked who he liked and didn't feel the need to put a label on himself.

"Is Ryan really about to let some stranger do body shots off him?" Brendon asked. "God, he is so drunk I need to keep a leash on him. Ryan! Babe! What are you doing?!"

Ryan giggled and waved his arm.

"We're doing body shots!" He cheered.

"God, whatever," Brendon muttered. "He is so weird. I am not surprised, really. I should probably stop him but...he's having fun. Am I a bad boyfriend for letting strangers do body shots off my boyfriend?"

Frank laughed. "I mean, can anyone control Ryan? At least he hasn't hijacked the stereo to play his Sad Boy Playlist."

"I'm surprised he hasn't done that," he said. "I should go get him."

Brendon walked off and took Ryan's hand. Ryan was pouting like a little puppy but followed Brendon away. Frank was left alone on the bench, a beer in his hand. He watched Gerard splash water at Jamia and they both laughed.

"Hey, Frank, right?" someone asked.

Frank looked back and saw a boy who looked familiar but he couldn't quite put a name to his face.

"Oh, I'm Tyler, Gerard's friend," the guy said. "We, um, we met at that one party a while ago when he brought you up to North Brunswick."

"Oh, yeah, hey," he said. "That's so weird running into you down here like this in Florida."

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