Old habits

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Narrator's POV:

Joe's phone lit up with a message from Dianne. He ignored it completely and continued to look at the precious diamond ring that was delicately placed in a deep blue box. To any one else's eyes it was just a gorgeous engagement ring. But not to Joe.

To Joe it represented a problem.

A conundrum

A puzzle with no obvious answer.

This ring was the one that got Dianne off of that balcony. The one that saved her life. But after all that they talked about after the incident, the ring was kind of forgotten about. Joe decided to hold it back and propose properly within the next week or so - this was before Evie showed up.

Joe stared at the delicate features of the ring going through his options.

He could either go to the park tomorrow and meet Evie to see what happens, or he could cancel it and spend the day with Dianne. 

Joe thought and thought about what he could do, thinking about both the options carefully. The ring mocking him with it's cruel glint. How could something so precious put so much pressure on a single decision.

If you'd asked Joe this a week ago, the answer would have been so simple. He loved Dianne and that was the most important thing in his life. And it had been for a long time now. But something had changed in Joe recently. Things didn't seem the same anymore. Maybe it was time to change things.

He continued thinking until he heard the sound of the key inside of the door. And Dianne walked in.

Dianne's POV:

  My mood hadn't changed since I had left the studio, everything in my life seemed stable again and I felt free from pain and loss. To cap off a perfect day, all I would need to do is spend some quality time with Joe.

I walked into the kitchen and startled Joe as I walked up to him. I saw him quickly stuff something in to the large front pocket of his hoodie as he saw me come in.

"What was that?" I asked intrigued to find out what Joe was hiding from me. 

"Oh it's nothing really. How was the studio?" He asked quickly trying to change the subject. We continued with awkward small talk for roughly 5 minutes or so. It was super weird. Usually conversation flowed so easily between us. But something was off with Joe today. Something had changed the way he thinks. He was hiding something from me. And he was definitely not being subtle about it.

"Joe what's going on? Is everything okay?" I asked as I begun to unpack shopping and begin cooking us some dinner. 

Joe looked up to me. His blue eyes a dark and bottomless sort of blue. Not calming like the night sky, but dark and dangerous like he was in the middle of a huge dilemma or something. His lips were crumpled and a confused look was strewn across his usually delicate features. 

"Nothing. I'm absolutely fine." He said in a very depressed and gloomy tone of voice. He gave out a large sigh and began to speak again. "Excuse me." He said as he left me alone downstairs. He headed up the cold metal steps with his head hung low. His fingers pressing into the side of his temples. This wasn't Joe stressed. I'd seen that before. I didn't know what this was. And it was scaring me.

Joe's POV:

I hated leaving Dianne alone downstairs but I couldn't get this Evie thing out of my mind. 

This is what that girl did to me. She made me confused. She made me doubtful. She broke my soul and ruined my chance at a peaceful life.

As I got into my bedroom, I headed into the bathroom. I splashed some cold water on my face before looking at my confused face in the mirror. My eyes were tired. My hair was a mess. My face was in a frown and I had no idea where to turn or what to do.

As I went to exit the bathroom, I spotted the large white dresser that stood by the door. Inside the top draw I knew that there was an unopened pack of razor blades.

I wasn't thinking straight. I wasn't focusing as my body moved towards the draw. I opened it and took out a single blade from the packet.

I held it up feeling the cold metal on my finger tips as the light from the bathroom reflected off of the shiny metal. I lifted up the sleeve to my hoodie ad pressed the cold metal into the skin of my arm. I dragged the sharp blade horizontally across the under side of my wrist. I felt no pain, just a release of everything that was out of my control.

I watched as a dark stream of blood began to slowly seep out onto my wrist.

This is what Evie did to me. 

She put me back to old habits.  

A/N sorry that this chapter is really shit. I'll try to upload 2 good parts tomorrow evening. xx

Joe and Dianne: My Suicide Saviour - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now