On his way

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Danny's POV:

I took my rucksack out of the overhead compartments and got off the plane as quickly as I possibly could. As much of an idiot I think Anthony is for finding his way into prison, I am still more than happy to give that piece of shit Mr Joseph Sugg an actual example of what shit life is. Everything that he's gone through has obviously been publicised, and from what I've read all of his issues seem to be that he has someone to care about and that it's really difficult to keep his perfect girlfriend happy. Well boo-fucking-hoo Mr Sugg.

I have to admit though that as much as I want to get rid of Joe, I don't want to get rid of Dianne. I mean despite her appalling taste in men, she's absolutely fine. But as much as I racked my brains, I can't think of any other way to get rid of Joe. So here I am. With 17 hours of Jet lag in my head, making my way to a shitty town somewhere in the middle of Australia to kill someone. Easier said then done.

I got out my phone and read the vital message that Anthony managed to send me:

'Danny. You and I both know why the fuck that you're here so lets not go through that bull shit again. All this is, is some notes and instructions of how you can finally make our lives easier and get rid of the anorexic prick, and his red headed twat. 

Now by the time you land in Perth, I should have told Joe that you're on your way to kill Di, but whilst you're in Australia, you aren't going to kill Dianne. At the end of the day, she's still mine and she needs to be safe. When Joe gets to Perth to act like a hero and save Dianne, I need you to do several things.

1) Take Joe to the location I arranged with you before hand, and make sure he stays there for about one month - this should give me enough time to find my way out of this shit hole that is prison

2) Have some fun with him. Torment him - beat the shit out of him - I don't fucking care, just do something

3) After a while, let him face time Dianne - whilst they're talking to each other - kill him

Now seeing as I'm in London, I will have no way of finding out whether you actually do this or not but remember Danny that if you don't do it, I can find a way to wreck your life and your kids lives as well.

Don't fuck it up'

As I finished reading the message, I felt my heart begin to beat quicker. I can't believe I have to do this - since day one, Anthony has been threatening my family and I had done everything he's asked me to so that I can protect my kids. But is this too far?

I was suddenly pushed forward by someone running through the crowded airport. He was skinny and his dark hair was flopping about as he ran towards the exit.

It took me a moment to realise but then I noticed who it was...

Joseph Fucking Sugg

Joe's POV:

I didn't care about how tired and stupid I looked right now, but I had to get to Dianne as quickly as I could to make sure that she was okay. To protect her from Danny.

Even though it was midday on a Thursday, Perth airport seemed to be the busiest place on the planet right now. I started running to make a point of getting to the nearest train station, to make my way to Bunbury. I ended up getting no where being polite so I had to push past those that I could. One man was stood perfectly still right in the middle of the path - staring at his phone intently. I pushed passed him and found a sign for the exit.

I kept on running

Kept on pushing people out of my way.

At this moment in time, I didn't care. I had to make my way to the train station. The angel in my head was telling me that I would get to Bunbury and find Dianne happy and safe in her childhood home. That I would come in and be able to sit down with the woman I love with a cup of tea in one hand, and her hands in the other.

But the devil took centre stage. And all I could think about was the fact that I would be too late. Maybe Danny's already there. Maybe she's already dead.

I kept on running until I found myself on the platform to the train station. The sun beating down on me and my lungs gasping for oxygen. I looked at the sign on the wall of the platform telling me that the next train towards Bunbury would be here in 2 more minutes.

I stood nervously, constantly checking either direction of the tracks that were laid before me. 

Eventually I saw the train round the corner to my right. I new that once I was on the train there would be nothing I could do. It would be my only chance to catch up on any sleep if I could. The train pulled in and I put one foot up onto the train floor before feeling a hand on my shoulder.

I was quickly pulled back off of the train, landing heavily on my spine onto the hard concrete platform. The sun was burning my eyes and I couldn't see what had happened.

Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my head and then...


A/N Hey people - thank you all so much for 17k reads that is bonkers. I have decided to finish this fanfic within the next few parts. I will definitely start a new one, but have exams coming up so it may be a while until I can actually publish any parts of the new one. Hope you enjoy these last few parts xx

Joe and Dianne: My Suicide Saviour - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now