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Hey People!!

sorry it's been sooooooo long since I've updated, I've had a literally no time to myself within the past week and haven't had a chance to write anything. But I'm back on it and have two bits up tonight for you all!

Secondly I was thinking about this story, and I'm running on fumes with Ideas. I have an Idea of how to end this book but I feel like it's been quite boring recently. If you have any ideas for how you would like this book to continue please let me know, or any Ideas for a new book I might start writing.

I'm really enjoying writing at the moment, and If you enjoy my style of writing, I would love nothing more than for some ideas to actually put out good content that isn't boring as shit.

Thank you for all your support you bunch of absolute legends xx

Joe and Dianne: My Suicide Saviour - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now