Drink it all away

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Narrator's POV:

After the kiss and the press Joe ran. He ran a long way. He knew a pub just down the road from where he lived and that's where he went to. It was always quiet and seeing as it was 3:45 on a Thursday afternoon, Joe wasn't expecting it to be busy. He was right.

He was on the verge of tears and was completely lost. He went up to the bar and ordered a bottle of whisky. No glass to drink it out of. Just a £50 bottle. Joe took the bottle to the back corner of the pub, turning his phone off and sitting down at one of the tables. It was slightly sticky from previous drinks that had been spilt but Joe didn't care. He opened the bottle, placed his head on one of his hands, resting his elbow on the table as he drank from it.

The strong liquor burning his throat and stomach raw. He didn't care though. He knew for a fact that if Dianne saw the inevitable news article that would come from this, then it was over between the two of them.

Joe's POV:

I kept on drinking.

Kept on thinking.

Thinking about Dianne

Thinking about Evie

Thinking about what I had done.

My vision was starting to wobble as I finished the last few drops of the bottle. Everything was becoming distant and my head started to spin as I stumbled out of the pub. I managed to slowly get down the street and into the lift up to my flat. I didn't know what I was about to walk into.

I had been in that pub for around 4 hours. It was dark - my phone was still off - and i'm certain that the press has posted there twisted articles by now.

I fumbled around in my pockets for the key to my door. I lent against it in my drunken state, hearing a thud as I flopped my body against the wooden door. I couldn't hear movement inside and my vision was getting worse.

It was like my head was in a kaleidoscope. The door suddenly opened and I fell through it onto the solid floor of my home.

I looked up to see the sight of Dianne. She was expressionless. She was unclear to my eyes. I looked at her for one final time before the whisky took over and the image of Dianne disappeared and all that I could see was darkness.

Dianne's POV:


I read the article that Amy sent me.

Tears flooding down my face.

He'd kissed someone else.

He'd done the one thing I thought that I could trust him never to do

Every other boyfriend of mine has done this to me. I was certain that Joe was someone different. Someone who wouldn't hurt me like this. Ever.

I guess I was wrong. But where was he now?

Was he still with her or was he thinking of a way to exempt himself from this situation forever?

I don't know. I'm not even sure if I care.

My phones going crazy with friends asking if i'm okay. I don't answer their calls or read their messages. How can I?

Joe thinks that I've forgotten all about that ring from earlier last week. I was still thinking about it any chance that I got. I want to be with Joe more than anything in the world. At least I did. Now i'm not too sure if I want to see him. Let alone feel him, or kiss him or even hear him speak my name.

I hear a thud on the door. Part of me hopes it's Joe, I don't want to talk to him about this but if I think that I still love him, I at least want to know that he's okay. That he's safe.

As I open the door, I'm instantly hit with the strong smell of liquor coming from Joe. His hairs a mess, His eyes are blood shot. He'd obviously drunk himself out of this situation whilst crying to his hearts content.

As he fell to the floor, I looked down at him. I wasn't upset. I wasn't angry at him. I was just disappointed.

I went back over to the sofa and picked up a blanket. I quickly scribbled a note out for Joe when he regains consciousness. Leaving the note by his head and the blanket over his frail, shivering body. I grabbed my phone and a Jacket and shut the front door.

Leaving Joe in the house and me out in the cold.

No place to go.

No thoughts in my head.

No reasons to go back inside.

Joe and Dianne: My Suicide Saviour - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now