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Dianne's POV:

"Dot...?" My mum asked confused as she stood in the door way. Her face was so welcoming as it always was. Something about being with your mum always makes you feel safe again. I understood her confusion - whenever I came back to Australia, I usually kept in contact with my parents constantly before hand. So for me to randomly show up with no explanation is more than a shock for them.

My mum continued to look at me for a brief moment before she realised how much I was crying. She leapt out of the house onto the driveway and wrapped her arms around me. I tucked my arms and my head into her chest as she stroked my hair and gave me a long hug. Until eventually we went inside, and I sat on the sofa in a house I usually love so much.

Narrator's POV:

As Dianne entered her childhood home, she had a sudden rush of memories run through her head. Growing up in this house with her two brothers - Her and Andrew learning their routines for competitions out on the patio - Until eventually she came to the memories of her and Joe standing together on the stairs as her parents said that they were beyond happy that the two of them were going out with each other. At the thought of Joe, a whole new wave of tears rushed over Dianne.

She walked into the lounge to see Andrew and her dad chatting in front of the TV like they used to do when Andrew was younger. They suddenly turned around with huge smiles on their faces. "DOT!" Andrew said as he leapt up to give his sister a hug. He stopped however when he saw the tears falling down Dianne's face "What's wrong?" He asked concerned.

"Sit down I need to tell you something." Dianne said through the tears. Both Andrew and Rina sat down looking up expectantly at Dianne. Her voice was shaky and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't stop the tears falling down her face. She cleared her throat and began to speak.

"So...Um...F-first of all, I need to ask that you just let me get through this, any questions that you will probably - definitely have just ask me when I'm done okay." She paused to wipe the tears out of her eyes and get her thoughts together. "So about 1 month ago, my ex-boyfriend Anthony broke into mine and Joe's flat whilst Joe was out. Um... Anthony broke in and r-raped me. Um - I'm probably only alive now because Joe came back in time and tackled him off me. Since then, Anthony has been found and arrested but two days ago, Joe got a phone call saying that Anthony wanted to speak to Joe and that it's no longer safe for me to be in the UK. I've been told to come here until It's safe for me to be back in London. I think Joe spoke to Anthony, but I got a text from one of our friends about 5 hours ago saying that Joe isn't in London anymore. I don't know where he is and he won't answer his phone - I don't even know if he's alive. I don't even know if I want to be anymore."

"Shit." Andrew said. The entirety of the house was in a stunned silence until eventually Mark asked Dianne a question.

"Are you sure it was Anthony?"

"Mark don't" Rina interrupted.

"What are you on about?" Dianne asked feeling more confused than ever

"Listen Di, maybe you should sit down for this." Mark said, standing up and offering Dianne his seat. "After you told us that you were going out with Joe, we started looking on his Youtube channel and on his Instagram and stuff like that. We kind of felt that he was a bit immature and not quite right for you. So what we did was call up Anthony because we knew that he was a good guy, and we told him to check up on you and maybe see if he could get you back. I mean lets face it Di your not the most responsible on your own and Joe's nothing special..."

"Nothing special?" Dianne interrupted. She wasn't crying anymore. Instead she had a burning rage building up inside of her. "You think he's nothing special..."

"Well it's just we know that you can do soooooo much better than a skinny British boy." Rina said to her now fuming daughter

"Well let me tell you right now that if it wasn't for that skinny British boy, I wouldn't be alive. I wouldn't be here and I don't think you understand just how much he means to me. Joe is the only person that knows what I've been through. He has taken bullets and endless amounts of pain for me. And not that I was going to tell you this but if it wasn't for Joe, I was going to kill myself about 4 months ago. I will never meet anyone better than Joe. He is my soulmate and one day I want to marry him. I want to have his kids and I want to grow old with him."

Dianne paused as her family watched her passionately rant on about the man that she loved. She walked out of the room, heading up the stairs to her childhood bedroom. But before she left she turned back to her parents and ,made one final point

"I don't just love Joseph Sugg - he is my suicide saviour."

A/N I know this chapter was pretty shit - sorry bout that - but I have to have it in here to have the final parts make sense. If I get my shit together, this entire book will be finished by tomorrow evening. Hope you enjoy xx

Joe and Dianne: My Suicide Saviour - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now