This is it - part 2

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Joe's POV:

To say that I was glad to have Dianne back in my arms was an understatement. To kiss her again, and have our fingers intertwined made everything worth while. I knew that her parents didn't really trust me and that they didn't 100% want me to be with Dianne, but to be honest I really couldn't care. Because I had Dianne and no one will ever stop me from being with her. As any parent will feel about the happiness of their child, i'm sure that once they get the full story and see how happy I make Dianne, their minds would have changed.

We spoke to them briefly before Dianne and I decided to head out onto the beach and have a chat about what's going on.

Narrator's POV:

As they walked down the hot sand, hand in hand, Dianne and Joe didn't say anything - until eventually they found a quiet and empty spot on the beach and sat down together. Dianne gently rested her head on Joe's shoulder, cuddling up to him whilst Joe wrapped an arm around the woman he loved.

They looked out onto the ocean together. Each perfectly blue wave crashing against the sand. They sat without saying anything for about half an hour, slowly watching the sun go down giving everything a perfect orange hue. The calming sounds of the ocean and of the now empty beach only making everything better for the two of them who sat together enjoying nothing ,more than each other's company.

Joe eventually lent down and kissed Dianne's forehead deeply 

"So what happened with Anthony Joe?" Dianne questioned, finally breaking the comfortable silence that they shared.

"Well after I got back to London, I went straight to the police station after dropping our stuff from Paris off at the apartment. after a long wait in one of the interrogation rooms, Anthony walked in and essentially told me stuff that I already knew. Then he told me that Danny was on his way here to kill you."

Joe stopped talking for a moment to clear his throat. Dianne had now sat away from him and was looking directly into Joe's eyes. She saw the tear that fell out of Joe's tired eye and gently wiped it away with her thumb before leaning up to Joe and gently giving him a reassuring kiss on his jawline.

"So I got the next flight down here and then went to head towards the train station. But before I could get on the train, I was knocked unconscious by none other than Danny." Joe continued by rolling up his sleeves showing Dianne the large gash along his arm, that Danny etched into him. "We fought a bit after I woke up and he eventually he gave me this - after various different things, I manged to make a deal with him. He's going to go back to London to stay with his family and keep Anthony in Prison for as long as possible, and I'm never going to see him again."

"How's that going to work?" Dianne asked "I mean I know London's a big city, but you can't avoid him forever - surely"

"I know that. So I thought that we could stay here?" Joe said confidently as he looked into Dianne's perfect eyes.

"Really?" Dianne said more than surprised. " But Joe you love London."

"I know I do, but I love you a million times more. And I know that if I go back to London the chance of me loosing you is going to get bigger. And I can't loose you Di. Not again. So why can't we stay in Australia. We have enough money to buy a house and once I get back into my channel, we might be able to get a dance school set up somewhere. You've said it before that dancing is your life so why not just do it"

Joe was by this time stood up away from Dianne. Walking back and forth in front of Dianne as he told her the plan that Joe had, to reboot their life together.

"Okay then Mr Sugg - let's do it" She leapt up to give Joe a hug but was left confused as Joe took a step back from her.

"Hang on Miss Buswell. There's only one way that I'm doing it as well. I have to have my family here with me." Joe said teasingly

"Okay well maybe we can get...." Dianne started to say something but stopped herself when she saw Joe reach into the pocket of his hoodie. He pulled out a small box and got down on one knee. The sand shifting beneath him, the waves crashing against the Australian beach behind him.

"Dianne Claire Buswell, you are officially the only person in the world that I have ever loved. You are the one person in the world that I can trust and knows what I have been through. And if having gone through it all meant that I could be here with you right now, right here, I would go through it all 100 times over in a heartbeat. You're so kind - so funny - so generous - so beautiful  - so perfect. The list goes on.

Dianne Claire Buswell will you be my family out here? Will you marry me?"

Tears were streaming down Dianne's face and a huge smile was plastered across it. Her answer was obvious.


Joe leapt up off the sand and placed the ring on Dianne's finger. Their lips smashed together, and they smiled through a long passionate kiss.

Their bodies close together. Their hearts in the right place. Their complicated lives simplifying.

Finally being together with their suicide saviour.

---THE END--- 

Joe and Dianne: My Suicide Saviour - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now