On the bridge

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Narrator's POV:

Joe stood waiting on that bridge for Evie. He looked out onto the small river that led up to the front of Buckingham Palace. As he waited, with the sun beating down on him, he thought about the story Dianne told him about when she first got to London. Joe loved living in London, he had at least one memory for every street, many of which were with Dianne.

But now things had changed. Joe was now waiting for another girl just for a 'catch up'  and if he was being completely honest was also out to avoid having a conversation with Dianne about last night.

Joe's POV:

She didn't know that I cut myself but quite frankly I don't think she had to know. Now that she was back into her dancing, she was finally happy again - I wasn't going to be the reason that her mood changed. After all that she had been through with the baby, the balcony and so much more, she deserved happiness.

"Joe?" I was taken out of my thoughts as I heard Evie's voice. I turned around to see her standing behind me, a huge smile on her face. The sun was reflecting off of her eyes, making them seem more green than ever before. Her brown hair shimmered in the sunlight and her smile was infectious.

"Hey Evie, how are you?" I asked trying to hide how awkward I was finding this entire encounter.

"Not bad, so there's a coffee place just down the road, do you want to catch up there?"

"Yeah okay, we can't be long though, I've got to get back." I lied. I had nowhere to be but I was now regretting my decision to come here. Evie was making me feel uncomfortable as we walked down through the park next to each other.

She was talking about something but I wasn't listening just replying with a "Yeah" or a "uh-hu" Every now and then to keep her talking. We kept on walking for what seemed like ages round the park, past the many tourists and through the trees with their fresh new leaves. It was a beautiful day but I knew I was here with the wrong person.

Suddenly I was brought out of my thoughts by Evie stopping randomly.

"Joe you're not listening to a word I'm saying are you?"

"No I'm sorry I'm just a little distracted." As I said this she walked closer to me. Her eyes were wide and her face was still in it's trademark smile. She flicked her long hair over her shoulders as she pressed her body up to mine. Our hips touching.

"Evie what are you doing?" I questioned as she continued to move her body into mine. Making me feel more uncomfortable than I had ever felt before.

"C'mon Joe I've missed you recently. I've wanted to be near you for so long. I've wanted to kiss you and feel your lips on mine for so long." She paused and wrapped her hands around the back of my neck. Tightly. "Come on Joe, Dianne isn't here, live a little."

"Wait how do you know about Di..." I was cut off when Evie yanked my face down to hers. She crashed her lips into mine and began to kiss me. She kept a strong grip around my neck but eventually I managed to push her away from me. But I was too late.

I heard a small click from my left hand side, and saw a flash.   

Joe and Dianne: My Suicide Saviour - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now