That kind of Blue

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A/N Hey people, sorry I didn't upload yesterday - I'll do my best to get 2 or 3 bits up tonight x

Joe's POV:

I double checked the flight times, and pre-booked a car to take us to the airport, early tomorrow morning. Printing off the tickets and stuffing them in my back pocket, I couldn't help but feel a weight lifted off of my shoulders.

It's been so long since I had done something meaningful and nice for Dianne. All this time, I've been looking for a reason to find happiness again. Trying to find a way to get my life back on track - but only now have I realised that my answer has been their for me all along. I'd neglected my relationship with Dianne for so long that I hadn't realised, that she is the key to unlocking my happiness.

I'd only booked the flights about 2 minutes ago, and already I feel so much better. So much happier. Almost as if it had never had happened.

Dianne's POV:

I sat on the sofa, flicking through Instagram whilst waiting for Joe to finish up with his video, I could hear him speak to the camera a few minutes ago, but now all I can hear is silence and the air rushing through the open doors into our house on this hot summers day.

I hope and prayed that getting Joe back into his filming, back into his career would take his mind off of things, and would cure all that he has lost and broken. It had been far too long, since I had seen Joe smile, since he had hugged me out of love rather than need of comfort. I never said anything to him because of everything he's been going through, but I can't look at that wall with the clock on it without picturing what had happened. After the incident occurred I couldn't remember anything, but recently it's all come back to me.

Joe doesn't know that. How could I possibly tell him, whilst he's been like this. I used to tell Joe everything - but now all I can do is put my attention onto his health and only hope that he doesn't see me crying during the night when I can't possibly sleep.

I stop thinking and blindly scrolling through my phone when I hear the door to Joe's office open. I look over to him to see something very strange.

His shoulders were upright and his head was held high. His back was straight and he walked in at a joyous speed. His hands fell naturally by his sides as he walked towards me, rather than nervously scratching at his wrists like they have done for the past few weeks. A large smile plastered across his face as his eyes made joyful contact with mine. His eyes...

Oh my god... His eyes. No longer a clouded grey. But a blue.

A deep and vibrant blue.

The kind of blue that makes my heart beat a thousand times faster

That reminds me of the beaches in Australia, and the good times I had with my family there

The kind of blue that makes me feel safe and warm, but at the same time sets my body on fire, and makes me crave Joe's touch.

The kind of blue that I've missed more than life itself. The kind of blue I wasn't expecting to ever see again.

Narrator's POV:

As Joe walked over to Dianne, he couldn't help but broaden his smile for Dianne. For the woman he loved more than life itself. The woman he had neglected for far much longer than she ever deserved.

"Hey" Joe said cheerfully as he walked up behind Dianne who sat stunned on the sofa, wrapping his arms around her and kissing her on the forehead.

"Joe?" Dianne asked seeming very confused yet happy at the same time, a small smile appearing at the corner of her stunned facial expression

"Yeah what's up?" Joe asked, slightly enjoying this moment truth be told.

"Joe, what have you done?" Dianne asked. Her voice slow and cautious of this entirely bizarre situation.

"I have done something terrible." Joe said in the continued cheerful voice and persona that he possessed before carrying on, he looked at Dianne who sat frozen, her eyes scanning Joe's smile. Her facial expression was a mix of utter confusion - joyful delight - and mild anger from Joe's little skit. "I have neglected you for far too long. Someone as beautiful and as perfect as you should never settle for someone who is so stupid that they would do that, so I am here to make sure that you don't. I have a surprise for you, you're going to need to pack a suitcase for a 4 day trip, and set an alarm for 4:30 tomorrow morning."

"What? Joe what're you doing?"

"Treating you the way you deserve to be treated."

Joe lent down and placed his hand on Dianne's cheek. The other around the back of her head. Dianne was shocked to find Joe's hands firm and warm, rather than cold a shaky like they had been since she found out about Evie. Joe pressed his lips against Dianne's passionately for an all to brief moment.

As he pulled away, Dianne processed what the fuck was actually going on. Either way, she decided that she liked it. She loved seeing Joe happy and cheerful. In all honesty, seeing Joe like this - like he was when they first met made him seem different. Made him seem sexy. This new surge of happiness from Joe made him seem hotter than he ever had done before in Dianne's eyes.

She quickly wrapped her arms around Joe's neck, stopping him from moving away from her. Her stunned silence turned into a broad smile, matching that of Joe's.

"You're not leaving it there Sugg." Dianne said coyly as she pulled him back into her, smashing their lips together.

It went no further than a kiss, but it was a big kiss. Filled with passion, and expectations. Finally allowing them to realise that they always had what they needed to get their lives back on track.

They had each other.

Joe and Dianne: My Suicide Saviour - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now