Chapter 2

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"It's almost time. You must be patient." A voice called. "Yes my lord." I heard another voice cower. "She will come in great use." The lord said.

It was around three in the morning when I woke up from this whatever it was. I looked around me just to double check everyone was still sleeping. Slowly I put on a sweater and slippers and walked down into the common room, I sat on the couch and wrote two letters.

Dear Dad,
Today Dumbledore talked about Cedric at breakfast. They dedicated a day to him, it's towards the end of the term. On the day he died. Apparently students get it off to remember him. Also during the summer Kaite Jackson and Dylan persuaded Dumbledore to put a bench by Black lake in memory of him. It's where we used to sit together. I hope your good. Classes are boring but I'm keeping up, kind've. I miss you.
Love, Riley (your daughter)

I sent that one away and got out another parchment. I had to write to Remus as well.

Dear Rem,
How are you? I miss you so so much. I'm sure dad will fill you in on the Cedric stuff. But your better with feelings and whatever. This past week I've just been thinking about Ceds death more for some reason. I miss him so much. And I'm incredibly happy for Jackson and Kaite. I see the way they look at each other, and I remember when me and Ced would look that way. He was always here for me, and I guess maybe I've been feeling lonely? I don't know. Harry and I haven't really spoken in a while. It's not like I'm mad at him, it's just hard knowing that he was there. And I'm sure there was nothing he could've done, but I just always think that maybe if I was there instead of Harry I could've saved him. I know that's most likely not the case, but it's just what I've been thinking about lately. I didn't want to tell dad because he's very close with Harry too, and I definitely don't wanna get in between them. Anyway what have you been up too? How's Tonks? I hope your well I love you.

I wasn't sure if I should tell Snape about what happened tonight because it wasn't exactly a dream. Suddenly my arm burned terribly I grabbed onto it tightly and shrieked quietly. Harry walked down the stairs, maybe I gasped a little too loud. "Are you okay?" He asked nervously. I nodded, "yeah I just hit my arm, what are you doing up?" He smiled, "I couldn't sleep, nightmare." I thought for a minute, "what was it about?" He looked hesitant to tell me, "about that day in the maze." He quietly said. I sighed and sat down, he sat beside me. "Harry tell me what happened that day in the maze like leading up to the graveyard." I said.

He looked scared for a moment but he took a deep breath and began, "Well the maze was terrifying, it was dark and cold. I remember running basically anywhere I could. Victor went mad, and Fleur had collapsed because of him. Then it was just me and Cedric. We both saw the cup at the same time and booked it. He had tripped and devils snare began to grow all around him. I almost didn't, but I did end up saving him from that. And at the same time we grabbed hold of the cup. We ended up in the graveyard, and both of us were extremely confused. Until I saw Peter. Cedric yelled at him, and immediately peter killed him."

"If I ever see Peter again, I swear to god I will kill him." I whispered, and Harry agreed, "I'll help." He added, making me laugh. "I'm sorry for everything Riley." He apologized. I put my arm around his shoulder, "nothing was your fault Harry, I think I just needed someone to blame." I said sadly. He understood. "Alright Harry, I'm going to try and get some sleep." I told him, then got up and headed back to bed.

I woke up early the next morning and got ready for school. My arm was aching badly, and I noticed one dark line appeared over night. Maybe from me grabbing it too hard. In potions I decided to go and talk to Professor Snape. After breakfast I left Kaite Jackson and Dylan, and headed down into the dungeons.

Snape and Draco stood at the front whispering angrily at each other. I knocked and they both looked up, "come in Black." Snape said. And Draco whispered, "you have to tell her now." Snape shook his head and asked me, "What is it?" I held up my arm and showed him the line. Draco sighed.

"Is this what you had to tell me? Is it Voldemort I hear talking in my dreams?" I asked worried. Draco nodded his head. And Snape's eyes widened. "He's given her the mark." Draco cried. I looked down at my arm and gasped. "This is the dark mark?" I almost yelled. "Quiet down Riley. Yes it is, he has gotten into your dreams he's going to use you Riley." Snape said. "Shouldn't I tell someone like my dad or Remus?" I questioned. Draco said "no, don't do that." I was confused and scared all at the same time. "You'll have to see what it is the dark lord wants Riley. You CAN NOT tell him about the order or your father." Snape ordered. I was shocked, "I have to talk to him? He's going to kill me." I whispered. Snape shook his head, "Your too valuable for him to just kill you." I nodded. "When do I have to see him?" I asked. "Tonight." Draco responded. And I shuddered. They warned me not to tell anyone else. And that was all I could think about all day.

Snape left the room leaving me alone with Draco to process everything. "Is this why you've been staring at me so much?" I asked. Draco nodded staring down at the ground, "I'm sorry Riley. I should've warned you, but he'd know if I did." I took a deep breath trying to stay calm. "I'm not just sorry about not telling you, I'm sure losing Cedric was hard. And I heard about Jackson." My eyes wandered back up to his, "my whole life is gonna change now isn't it?" Draco have me a small nod before walking out leaving me alone.

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