Chapter 10

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Draco walked over to me and smiled, "You ready?" He asked. I gave him a weak smile back, "I guess." He nodded, "how's your arm?" I held it out and he touched it lightly. "It looks a little better." I pulled my arm back as Lucius walked into the room.

Lucious yelled at everyone to quiet down. "Everyone is aware of the plan correct?" Everyone shook their heads yes. "Riley if you mess this up, you ruin our one good chance at winning this war, our Lord will NOT show mercy." He warned. I nodded. "Good, then let's go."

Draco grabbed my arm and together we shot up into the sky. We flew until we saw, the scariest looking building known to man. Everyone began descending down into the forest beside it. When we landed I pulled my robes closer to me. I knew immediately what I had to do. They all warned me of the consequences once more, and then I set off towards the entrance.

When I got to the door, a guard stared me down. "What do you want?" He barked. I crossed my arms and stared up at him, "Don't you dare speak to me like that, I am from the noble house of Black." I snarled at him. "Are you the guard that was here sitting on your ass while my murderer father escaped?" I asked annoyed. He nodded, "I was miss, and I apologize deeply to you." I held up my hand. "Save it, I wish to see the cell he was in." When the guard didn't get up to lead me there I yelled, "NOW."

He immediately stood up and said, "very well, Ms. Black, follow me." I trailed behind him, in the dark hallway. There were people all around me in cells shaking the bars screaming, and reaching out to touch me. Chills ran up through my body. I saw a crowd of people who I recognized to be death eaters, in a row of cells. I made sure the guard was well ahead, before I rolled up my sleeve to them, revealing the mark and winked. Many of them stood up and laughed. I held my finger up to my mouth as a way to tell them to shut up. Then I pointed at the guard so that they would understand to be patient. Most of them nodded and I continued to follow him.

Several death eaters suddenly swooped in, meaning I had done my part. Bellatrix flew past me, and whispered in my ear, "act scared." I quickly grabbed onto the guards arm, while he called for the ministry to come help. "What's happening." I cried out. "Ms. Black stay calm." He assured me. Several people from the ministry arrived quickly. Arthur Weasley saw me and exclaimed, "We've found her, it's Riley." He called. "Are you okay?" He asked me concerned.

I had the bad urge to run over to him and the others, to have them take me home. But then the Lord would follow me, and kill them all. Arthur began to run towards me, Tonks was with him. I thought they were actually going to get to me, but Regulus and Bellatrix appeared. Reg grabbed me around the neck, and Bella pointed her wand at my head. That made Arthur, Mad eye, and Tonks stop right away.

Regulus smiled and ripped up my sleeve to show them the dark arm. And Bellatrix nudged me hard, reminding me to act scared once again. "Help me." I cried out to them. This made Bellatrix hit me hard, "No ones going to help you bitch." Tonks screamed at the sight of the mark. And Mad eye held up his wand. This made Regulus yell, "you cast one spell and I swear to god I will kill the girl." Tonks screamed, "She's your niece you pig, we're going to get you back Ry." I shook my head, "No you can't, they'll kill you all. Don't let anyone come looking for me. Please I'm begging you." Arthur and Mad eye put their wands down, I sighed, "I'm so sorry." Bellatrix laughed, "that's enough little girl," and without a second thought Regulus kicked off and we were up in the sky again.

When we landed back at the Malfoys, there were an incredible amount of death eaters crowded there. I looked around me and Bellatrix threw her arm around my shoulder, "I can't believe you pulled that off. Too bad really, I thought I'd get to use the curse on you again." I pushed her off of me, and moved closer to Draco. He grabbed my hand and pulled me into another room. "You okay?" I shook my head no, "they're all gonna think I'm a death eater. Everyone hates me. You don't understand they're my family." Draco did something completely unexpected, he wrapped his arms around me. I hugged him back leaning my head against his shoulder. "Thank you," I whispered. Draco nodded, "you haven't lost all your family. You have Regulus, and me, you're the only one here who understands what I'm going through. We should be at Hogwarts." I nodded in agreement, "hanging out with our friends, worrying about stupid exams. Missing Cedric. Draco pulled away, "at least he can see how brave you are now." I gave Draco a small smile, then left to find Regulus. He looked down at me, "you did good." I smiled sadly. Thinking back to Arthur and Tonks faces when I told them to stay back. "When do I get that surprise? I asked him. "Soon enough, now come I'm sure the dark lord wishes to see you." I followed Regulus through the crowd of death eaters. He knew most of them, and a few of them even thanked me. I kept my head down and walked into the basement.

Voldemort stood against the wall smiling at me. "You've proven yourself Black." He said. "Thank you my lord." He walked towards me, "I expect great things from you." And then he took off to greet all his followers. "Can you take me back home, I mean to your house?" I asked Regulus. He nodded, and together we set off.

I collapsed down onto the couch. He followed me into the living room. "You can go back if you want, I'm sure you want to see all your old friends." I said. He sat down in his chair and turned on his muggle television. "I'm not a fan of any of them." He told me. I just stayed silent, "where were you all those years?" I asked him curiously. He looked over at me and grinned, "hiding of course, you just have to know everything don't you?" He asked. I shook my head no, "I was just simply asking. I'm going to bed now." I said. And began to walk towards my room. "Night." I heard him quietly whisper as I reached my bedroom door.

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