Chapter 13

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Around seven in the evening. The sun had set and the sky was almost completely black, only being lit by the moon and a few scattered stars. Draco knocked on my door letting himself into my room. "You ready?" He asked, I nodded following him out side.

We shot up into the sky and landed out side the gates of the cemetery. I saw a group of people huddled around Cedrics grave. They all held candles and when the light hit just right, I made them out to be Amos, Kaite, Jackson, and Dylan. I longed to walk out and hug them all. Draco grabbed my hand squeezing it, "it's okay." We stood out there for about fifteen more minutes. Then they blew out their candles and all headed back to their houses. When I was sure the place was empty we snuck in. Draco stayed back at the gates guarding and I knelt down.

Cedrics grave had fresh new flowers laying around it. I smiled. "Cedric if you could see what I've become now, I'm sure you would hate me. I still ask myself why a guy like you, would have ever dated a girl like me. You were perfect, and I was everything but perfect. I still am. I hate myself more and more everyday. I haven't spoken to anyone I care about in months. I was aloud to write dad a short letter. But I'm pretty sure he hates me. I'm a disappointment to his name. I can't believe I got pulled into this mess. They made me help release prisoners, I watched them torture an innocent man, I broke into gringotts, robbed a Hogsmeade store, and tied up the owner. I keep reminding myself I have to do this, or else it's my family in danger not me. I hope that you, the most kind and generous boy I've ever met will find room in your heart to forgive me."

"I'm sure he will, I know I have." A voice whispered from behind me. I whirled around and whipped my wand out, pointing it directly at dads neck. He lifted his face just little to try and get the tip of my wand off his chin.

Immediately I dropped my hands at my sides and looked at him, "dad." He smiled, "I had a feeling you'd be here." I shook my head it was a dumb idea to come here. "I heard what you said to him, I don't hate you." He told me. I looked up confused, "why not? You just heard what I've done." I said. He sat down on a bench, "No, I know what they made you do. What were they threatening you with?" He asked. "How do you know they were blackmailing me?" I answered avoiding his question. He sighed, "because the same thing happened with my brother and mother." I put my head in my hands, "Dad I can't stay much longer he'll know." He nodded, "You can always come home with me." He offered. I sighed, "dad they'll find me." I said. He shook his head no, and asked "How none of them have ever heard of Grimmauld place?" I had no choice but to pull up my sleeve and reveal the dark mark. His jaw dropped open, and tears fell down my face for the first time in almost a year. "They chained me to a wall, and gave it to me. This is why I can't come home. This is why I did everything I did. To keep you all safe." I cried. His face fell, and I could tell his heart was broken. "I'm so sorry Ry, I'm your father I'm supposed to be there for you. Your not supposed to protect me." I wiped my tears away, "There was nothing you could've done dad. Don't worry, no matter what they do, I would never sell out any of you." I assured him, he gave me a small smile and grabbed my hands. That's when he saw the scar that read Blood Traitor. "Oh Riley." He softly whispered. I pulled him into a hug, "stay safe, I love you dad." And then shot up into the sky returning back to Regulus'. Draco looked at me as he was about to leave. "That must've been hard." I nodded, "my heart aches for my family for Cedric to just go back to normal Draco." He gave my hand one last squeeze before he took off.

Regulus was waiting up for me, when I walked in I went straight to the kitchen. "I'm starving." I whined. He rolled his eyes, and warmed up a plate of supper. "I saw dad." I told him. Regulus turned around, "Where?" He asked. "He came to the graveyard, he said he knew what I was going through. Because he tried to help you." I answered. Regulus nodded, "You didn't tell him anything did you?" I shook my head no, "he already knew that I didn't want to be here, he tried to get me to go with him. But then I showed him the mark." Regulus sighed, "What did he say?" I tried to remember, "he didn't say much he felt terrible, but I told him I had to leave. And than came straight back here." Regulus was thinking hard, he handed me some food, and then said, "after you eat go to bed. The dark Lord wants us all to do something tomorrow." I looked up, "did he say what." Regulus said, "'no he didn't, I'll see you in the morning." I smiled, and continued eating.

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