Chapter 7

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I pulled myself up to face the dark lord. He stared down at me with a smile creeping across his face. Draco Regulus and Lucious stood behind him. "Me and you are going to have some fun." I got creeps. "Tell me Black, where is Harry Potter right now." I thought quickly. "Me and Harry don't speak." I said. He laughed, "is that so." I nodded my head, and he cast a spell, that carved out the letter b in my arm. I cringed but remembered what Snape said. "Don't lie to me." He yelled. "I don't know where he is right now, probably with his aunt and uncle or still at Hogwarts." I said. I knew that Harry was most definitely with either the Weasleys or Dad. Voldemort grinned, "see now that wasn't so hard now was it?" I shook my head no. "Answer the lord when he speaks." Bellatrix snarled, she grabbed my arm, and carved out the letter L. I quickly replied, "no it wasn't my lord." She immediately released my arm and stepped back. I looked down and saw BL on my arm. What was that supposed to mean I wondered.

Suddenly I was being held up against the wall by Bellatrix again. She pressed the tip of the knife against my arm. And Voldemort asked me, "where is your father?" I shook my head, "I don't know anything about that man." Bellatrix laughed and began to cut an O into my skin. I clenched my jaw together tightly. "I'll ask one more time, remember I am not a patient man. Where is Sirius Black." He boomed. "I swear I have not had contact with him since I was a baby." I cried. Voldemort nodded, "very well. Bellatrix finish the word. And then come back upstairs. Leave her here over night.

She smiled and forced me down into the ground sitting onto of me. Her knife cut deep into my skin, and by then end I was crying out, begging her to stop. The entire time she was laughing. When she finally sat up, I stayed sprawled on the ground. She spat and then marched happily up the stairs locking the door behind her. Draco sank down beside me with Regulus on my other side. "You did good Riley."My eyes were burning with tears, "just leave." I hissed at the two of them then I held out both of my arms. My left had the dark mark, and the right, had the blood traitor carved down the side. Blood was still trailing down my arm. I attempted to clean the wound with a piece of my shirt. And then I sat alone in the darkness.

Regulus was the first one to come down, he handed me a glass of water, next three more people came down the stairs, causing Regulus to stand up, and kick my leg. "Next time you tell the truth, you bitch." He yelled. Voldemort laughed when he say the way he treated me. "Good morning Riley, are you ready to co-operate today?" He asked. I answered, "yes my lord." He smiled pleased with this answer. "Very well, yesterday you said you and Harry Potter didn't get along why is that?" I gave him a fake smile, and said, "Because I've never liked him, everything is about him, they all act like he's some sort of hero. But in reality he's the reason my boyfriend is dead."

I covered my mouth. I couldn't believe I just blamed Harry for Cedrics death. Regulus nodded at me, which meant it was a good answer. And Voldemort looked at me, "that pretty boy, at the graveyard last year, you two were dating?" He asked. I nodded my head slightly. "Well then I suppose you'll be needing revenge on Harry for that one." He said. I agreed quietly. "Go back to Regulus', tonight we break into Azkaban," he ordered. "how do we break into Azkaban my lord." I said. Bellatrix turned around quickly, and yelled, "Crucio." My body screamed it was in so much pain. "BELLATRIX!" The dark lord yelled. She immediately stopped the curse, and whined, "she questioned your authority my lord." He nodded his head, "dear Bella, I think I can handle her myself, don't you? Or are you questioning my authority?" She said right away, "no of course not my lord." Then they all walked back upstairs.

Slowly I pushed myself up to my knees my hands were still shaking from being tortured. I used my knee to stand up. And Regulus looked over at me sorrowfully. "Don't pity me." I said. He lended me his hand. And I ignored it. Making him roll his eyes. "You always this stubborn?" He asked. I didn't answer and grabbed onto his wrist to go back to his place.

I collapsed onto the floor when we got there. My whole body was still in pain. He sunk down and helped me back up, and over to his couch. My stomach rumbled when I lay down. "You hungry?" He asked. I nodded, "I'm always hungry." He smiled. "sleep, I'll wake you up when lunch is ready." I said okay and shut my eyes tightly.

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