Chapter 9

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I woke up from my nap a couple hours later. I saw Regulus dressed in his death eater robes already. He was having a bowl of what seemed to be spaghetti. "Morning." He sarcastically said when he saw my eyes wandering. I tried to sit up but everything inside of me hurt. I let out a groan. "Here drink this. It will hold off the pain at least for tonight." He held out a small bottle, and I reached my arm out slowly, and I saw the fresh scar scabbed along my arm. I took a quick sip and gagged it was absolutely terrible. I glared at him for making me drink this, but a couple seconds later the aching died down and sitting up wasn't as painful. "That was god awful." I said. And he shrugged, "I never said it tasted like pumpkin juice." I ignored him, and instead said, "I'm hungry." He stood up, "right I forgot about that." Shortly after he came back holding a bowl of spaghetti and garlic bread. It looked amazing. He handed it to me and warned, "Don't you spill any on my couch, it's worth more than your life." He told me. "I'm wouldn't doubt that." I answered miserably.

He sat in the room with me, while I ate almost three bowls of spaghetti. He finally joked, "you eat like a caveman." I nodded stuffing my mouth with more noodles, "I've been told, numerous times actually." He smiled, sitting back. And I asked, "so how exactly are we going to break into Azkaban?" It took him a minute to answer, but he then pointed at me, "your helping us get in. The plan is you are to walk in and ask to see the cell your father stayed in. Or do whatever you can to distract the guards. That's when we will break in. The dark mark will be shot up into the sky and that is when we will get the hell out of there." I took a deep breath, "but then won't the ministry know I've become a death eater?" I asked. He shook his head no, "when you go in act scared, and when that mark gets shot into the sky, I am to act like I'm kidnapping you. They will know everything was against your will." I nodded, it was a good plan actually.

When I stood up I saw a giant bruise on my leg, that was a dark colour of purple. Regulus looked at it and sighed. "Sorry about that, I had no choice." I answered him annoyed, "you always have a choice it appears me and you both made the wrong ones." He shook his head no, "you made the right one, your protecting everyone out there. I on the other hand, did this because of my parents." I looked at him sadly, I could tell that deep down he was a good person. "You should've left home with him." I shrugged. He said, "it's not always that easy Riley." I laughed angrily, "sure it is, look at me, I left home, and I'm not going back anytime soon." He looked defeated and put his hands up, "I don't know what to tell you. The dark lord was going to get to you either way. You made the right decision to come now, rather than make him fight for you." I nodded, and walked into the kitchen.

I turned on the faucet and rinsed out my bowl, then filled up the sink with water and soap and did the dishes. Sometimes I actually enjoyed Regulus' company, and other times I wanted to throw something at his head. But he did save me from living in the dark cold basement at the Malfoys, so washing the dishes was the least I could do.

He walked in when I was just finishing drying them. "You didn't have to do that." He said. I answered, "I've got a lot of spare time, you know when I'm not being tortured for answers that I'm probably not going to give." He laughed, "fair enough, you need to go put on your robes." I put down the towel and walked back to my room. I threw on a pair of leggings and a tight black long sleeve shirt. Overtop I put on my death eater robes, and left my hair down.

"Riley." I heard Regulus shout from the kitchen. I walked out, and saw him standing there, "what?" He motioned for me to follow him outside. "Watch this." He said. Then he touched the dark mark on his arm and pushed up off the ground. All that I saw was a dark ball basically and a trail of black behind him. When he landed back down beside me, he smiled. "Now you try, just lightly tap the mark, and push up like your riding a broom." So I just barely tapped my left arm, and I bent my knees and kicked up.

I shot up high, I swirled around in the air, and when I landed I couldn't contain my laughter, "that was friken incredible." I breathed. Regulus smiled, "That's how death eaters get around." I nodded, "will I use that tonight?" I asked. He shook his head no, "remember we have to make it look like I'm kidnapping you. If you pull this off, I'll have a surprise for you." I raised my eyebrow, "will I like this surprise?" He just shrugged, and held out his arm which took us to Draco's.

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