Chapter 31

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My eyes opened and immediately shut again, everything was so white. I kept replaying what had just happened over in my head. "Ry." I heard someone whisper, I looked up and saw Remus standing before me. I pulled him into a giant hug. Dad stood behind him. "Dad." I ran into his arms, and was afraid to let go. "Sweetheart, you're here." He said kissing my forehead. "Where exactly is here?" I asked, continuing to let him hold me close to him.

James and Lily walked out from behind him, along with another woman who looked extremely familiar to me. When she saw me a sob escaped her throat. "Is she okay?" I whispered to dad. He smiled at me, "that's your mother." I looked at her in surprise, and she knelt down to me, sitting in dads arms. Her hand brushed a piece of hair out of my face, "you're beautiful," she said quietly. I stared back at her in response, this was the woman who I would've called mom. She cupped my face in her hands, "I watched you from up here, god I wanted to kill them. We all saw what they put you through." She spoke. My eyes looked away, "I don't feel any more pain here," I answered. "Of course not baby, and you shouldn't have too," she pulled me into a hug.

"Marlene let the girl breathe." James joked. "I'm sorry." She cried out. I smiled at her, "don't be." Remus had his arms around Tonks and they both looked down sadly at me. I was about to apologize, I should've done something to stop that death eater, but I was more concerned about shielding Teddy. Just as I opened my mouth, someone caught my eye. Someone who I've never stopped loving. I pulled out of dads grip, and ran over to him.

He held out his arms and I jumped up into them, he twirled me around. Tears were now falling down both of our faces, "Cedric." I breathed. He wrapped his arms tightly around me, "Riley, god I've missed you," he sobbed into my shoulder. I stood up on my toes and put my arm around his neck, then I leaned in and kissed him softly. "Ced, your the bravest man I've ever met." He laughed, "Are you kidding? We've all been watching you, I don't know how you were so strong. But I love you for it." I kissed him again. And heard coughing behind me.

I twirled around remembering that dad and everyone was still there. "Riley we have to tell you something." I looked up at them, "what is it?" James smiled at me, "You can still go back." I was taken back, "what?" Lily stepped forward, "your a smart girl, if you want to go back you'll figure it out." My voice was cracking, "but I don't want to go back, you're all here." Cedric grabbed my hand, "but we're all fine, they're not." Dad spoke softly, "there are still so many people who need you." I couldn't believe what they were saying. "No one needs me, you all said it your selves you saw what I did. I ruined people's lives." Ced hugged me close to him, "no you saved people's lives." I sighed, and pressed my head against him.

"They aren't wrong you know, too bad you couldn't save mine." A voice laughed from behind me. When I turned to see who it was Fred Weasley gave me a bow and a smile. "Freddy." I said happily. "Go back, oh and tell George I'm still the better looking one." I laughed, and agreed.

Remus hugged me one last time, and Tonks kissed my cheek. "Thank you, Teddy will be lucky to have you." She whispered. "Remus I know I won't do half the job you did raising me. But I just want you to know that I love you more then words could describe. You gave me everything, and I will do the same for Teddy." He nodded, "thank you for being the best kid I could've asked for. I wish I could've done more to protect you." I gave him a sad smile and watched as they walked away leaving  me alone with my dad and mom. "You know I thought for sure they were going to kill you." She whispered, "it broke my heart, you may not have known me growing up, but I've always been with you." I wrapped my arms around her, "I'm sorry." She ran her fingers through my hair, "don't be, I'll always love you, and we will all watch over you." She slowly walked away and I looked over to dad. "When I look down I want to see my baby girl smiling, enjoying life. Not all the pain and suffering I have been seeing. I admire you, Azkaban is not a nice place, but you never gave up. The dementors didn't affect you or Regulus. Just as they didn't me." He said. "There was not a minute that I spent in there, where I wasn't thinking of you dad. I don't want to leave you again." I answered. He smiled, "but I want you to. Give life a second chance, Blacks have never had good luck, you especially. Nows your time." I nodded avoiding his eyes, "I love you." He hugged me tightly, "there's no words to explain how much you mean to me. That's why the first thing you're gonna do when you get back, is smile." I laughed, "definitely." I watched as he began to walk away from me. There was just one more person I wanted to say goodbye too.

Cedric came up with his goofy smile, "so your going back?" I shook my head yes, staring at his beautiful face. I wanted to memorize it before I left. "Listen, I'll always love you. But eventually your going to have to move on. Find someone to love you like I did." I rolled my eyes, "Ced I'll never feel the same about anyone as I did you. And you know that." He looked away, "I want you to be happy, please. Everyone here knows that you're scared." I looked at him confused, "what do you mean?" He looked away, "you keep sacrificing your own happiness for everyone else. You're scared to go and live." I grabbed his hand, "because when I'm finally in good place, someone gets taken away from me. Haven't you realized? There's a pattern here!" He nodded, "but the wars over, no one is going to hurt you anymore." Tears fell down my face, and Cedric softly wiped them away. "Listen Ry, You knew what it felt like when we died. Imagine how they're feeling right now. The girl that gave up everything she had, died. When she came so close to surviving, they're all going to be torturing themselves. Just like you did when we all died."

He was right in a way, "I know Ced." I whispered. "I'll always love you." He kissed me one last time, "and I'll always be here waiting for your beautiful face to join me. When it's your time." I released his hand and began to walk away, I didn't know where I was walking but I had a feeling I was headed in the right direction. Before I went further I turned around to see Remus, my parents, James and Lily. Fred, and Cedric smiling at me. "It's your turn to live now sweetheart," dad hollered. "I love you all," I said one last time before pushing forward

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