Chapter 36

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My hands shake nervously, I'm waiting for Regulus to go back to his bedroom so I can leave. I hear him fading away, and I grab my jacket quietly walking to the fireplace.

My legs almost give out when I land at the cemetery. There were so many people I had to visit tonight, but I had time and that's all I needed. I groaned as I began walking over to Remus and Tonks. It hurt badly, I wasn't really used to getting out of bed, let alone travel and move around. I knelt down in front of their graves, and began talking.

"It feels like forever ago that I saw you, wherever we were, when I died. I've been thinking a lot about when I was younger, all the things you'd let me get away with. You were pretty tolerant, and I loved you. Remus you were always my hero as a young girl, and you still are. Tonks, Thank you. For marrying such an amazing man and giving me teddy. I don't think I would've made it through without him."

I smiled at both of their graves and pulled myself up. I used my wand to illuminate a path and bumped into someone. I was about to scream but the person clamped their hand over my mouth before I got the chance. I stared and pulled myself back. "Draco," I whispered. He glared down at me, "what are you doing out here alone?" He asked coldly. I stood up taller, "I'm visiting my family." He nodded, "in the middle of the night?" I simply shook my head in agreement. "Listen I don't know how your even still alive Riley. But there's still death eaters out there." He warned. I squeezed his hand, and watched as his shoulders relaxed. "Draco you don't need to worry about me." I answered. He rolled his eyes, "I haven't stopped worrying about you, I had to watch everything they put you through." I stared up at him, "Draco, you helped me more than you could ever imagine, I just want to get past those days." He nodded slightly, "understood. Do you want me to stay here with you?" I shook my head no, "I need to be alone with them."

I stood there staring as he walked away back to the entrance, and the I turned back to face my fathers. I chocked out a sob before I could even say anything to him. I knelt down grasping tightly onto the top of the stone to keep my balance. My body was shaking from the pain and the sadness. "I miss you." I softly whispered and leaned up against his stone. My eyes shut gently and everything went black.

My eyes squinted to clock out the light shining in through the window. I forced myself up and looked around, I was back in my room. "Riley Black." Someone hissed. My eyes fluttered open, and a very angry Regulus stood in front of me. I sighed, and immediately knew I was in a lot of trouble. He didn't have the patience dad or Remus ever had with me. "I know Reg, that was the dumbest thing I could have possibly done." I admitted. He rolled his eyes at me, "No shit, I don't know if you've forgotten but there are still SEVERAL people who want you dead." He angrily whispered. I broke eye contact, and stared down at the floor. "I'm sorry," I apologized. He just scoffed, "ya I bet." Then he stormed out.

I cautiously pulled myself up out of bed, and threw on a hoodie and walked into the kitchen where Regulus and Teddie were sitting together eating quietly. Reg stood up and made me a plate and threw it down on the table. "Sit down and eat," he warned. I plopped down onto the chair and began eating the bacon and eggs he cooked. "You want to know what it's like waking up in the middle of the night, and checking up on the ONE person I had to take care off and realizing she had just vanished," he began yelling. "I had a million thoughts running through my mind, there were so many things that could have happened to you. And all I kept thinking was that I let my now dead brother down once again." He grabbed his plate and began forcefully washing it in the sink. "I was searching over an hour last night, and when I saw you passed out on the ground beside Sirius' grave I thought I lost you both." Tears began rolling down my face. "You can go back to your room, and you can do well to STAY there!" He ordered.

I sulked back into my room and lay back down on my bed, staring up at the ceiling. Most of the day had past by, when I heard a soft knock. Regulus came in carrying a tired Teddy. "He wants to say good night." I leaned in and kissed his softly on the cheek. "Goodnight tedd." Regulus carried him to his crib and then came and sat down beside me. "I realize I was a little harsh." He whispered. I smiled, "I'm not used to people yelling at me, dad couldn't, and Remus just wouldn't." He laughed, and hugged me, "I'll see you in the morning, no late night disappearances."

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