Chapter 26

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Umbridge would've taken the locket to the ministry, Hermione found four adults who worked there and knocked them out. I changed into the one woman's clothes then their bodies, and walked downtown. In the woman's washroom Hermione and I flushed ourselves down the toilet, and entered through a fireplace walking quickly with our heads held high. I looked around and remembered the exact place where dad was murdered, where I was arrested. I shuddered and stepped into the elevator. Ron got out at level two, and Harry stepped out on level one.

Hermione and I stood alone in the elevator with Umbridge, it took us down more. I stepped out into the exact room where I had been interrogated. The courtroom was quite empty, Rons "wife" was being questioned. I noticed the locket on Umbridge right away.

Harry and Ron came in a minute later, "stuplify." Harry yelled. I began shouting curses at the people in the courtroom. All of us ran into the elevators including Rons wife. And Harry had to use the patronous charm to get the dementors away from us. We all ran as fast as we could to the fireplaces and were sucked up.

My vision blurred as I pushed myself up off the ground. We were in some forest, there was a giant tent set up, and someone had put a sweater under my head to use as a pillow. I sat up, and began walking in towards the tent. It was huge on the inside there were two bunk beds, and different rooms. Hermione was working on food for us, Ron was laying down and Harry was staring at the locket.

"Riley sit down," Hermione rushed over, and sat me down beside Harry. I leaned my head on his shoulder, "You got the locket." I whispered. He nodded, "I can't destroy it though."

Neither could Regulus, I wondered how he even got it in the first place, my mind was wandering and I listened to the radio for names of people who had died. "How's your arm?" He suddenly asked me. I held it out to examine it. The cut ran deep down my right arm, right underneath my blood traitor scar. "It's okay." I answered smiling. "Since Sirius died I have no family left." He whispered. "You have me Harry." I told him. "Remus loves you too." He nodded, "I miss him so much."

I sat up, "everyday in Azkaban, all I ever thought about was him and Cedric. If dad wasn't hugging me, he could've blocked the curse. And if Moody hadn't pushed me out of the way, he would still be here. You see the pattern? I'm the reason their dead. That's why I wanted to come, so I could get away from all them. No one else should have to get hurt because of me."

He pulled me close to him, "None of that was your fault. How close were you and Regulus?"

We spent an entire year stuck together all day and night. He could've left, he clearly knew how to escape. But he waited until I was released. I finally answered him, "Regulus was one of the best people I've ever met. He protected me when no one else could." I answered. Harry smiled, "I wish I would've met him." I laughed, "he was great, exactly like dad, except funnier, and more sarcastic."

Our days went by quite slowly, we all took turns wearing the locket around our necks. And when we started to get too ignorant the next person put it on. One night Hermione and Harry were laughing and dancing. Ron got extremely jealous I could tell. He stormed in and began screaming at Harry. Hermione covered her ears and held back tears. And I was in shock. He threw the locket down and ran out of the tent. I raced out after him, "Ron where are you going?" I asked. "Away." He yelled. "Please just stay." I pleaded. He completely ignored me and continued walking deeper into the forest.

That just left the three of us. We spent our days mostly walking and attempting to destroy the locket.

One night I was sound asleep, but was woken by footsteps outside of the tent. Hermione was yelling at someone outside. I walked over to them, and saw Ron standing there with a grin on his face. How long had it even been since I saw him last? "Hey Ry." He said shyly giving me a small wave. "Ron your back," my eyes shifted over to Harry who was covered in water and shivering. "Harry get inside now." I pulled him in, and we lay out his clothes to dry. They found the sword of griffendor, it was used to destroy the locket. "We're one step closer." Hermione whispered, as we all silently shook our heads in agreement.

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