Chapter 4

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A few days passed since I was given the dark mark. I looked at it a few times, but I was still in denial about what had happened. I thought about what Regulus said quite a bit. Voldemort was using me to get to the people I was close with. There was no solution except to distance myself from everyone.

I got two letters that afternoon. I sat alone in my dorm and opened them.

Dear Ry,
That's odd, I've never heard of dedicating a day towards a student. I'm sure Cedric deserved it though. The bench was a thoughtful idea. You have good friends there Riley, don't let them go. Everything at the order is going well. We tracked down a few death eaters. They're going straight to Azkaban, thank god. I'm missing you, except at night. I don't think I've slept so well, since before the summer.
With love,

I ran down into the common room which was empty and threw the letter straight into the fire. I wiped tears off my face. He was tracking down death eaters and he had no clue his own daughter was one. I wanted to tell them so bad. But there was no way I could tell anyone without putting their lives in danger. I had no one, and was feeling more alone then I had when Cedric died. My hands were shaking as I opened the other letter.

Dear Riley,

Hey Ry, I'm doing good, thanks for asking. How's school going? The order is doing extremely well. As per your last letter, the Harry situation. It was probably a good idea to not write to your father about that. He cares for you both so much. But I completely understand where your coming from. Maybe just keep your distance from now on, if it makes you feel better. Or possibly talk to him about it. Who knows maybe knowing exactly what happened may make you feel better. Anywho if there's anything else you need please feel free to write. I'm already missing you.


I had no choice but to toss this letter too. Tears clouded my eyes but I wiped them away immediately when I saw Kaite walking up the stairs. "Riley, where have you been all day?" She asked smiling. I laughed, "I've been trying to keep up with school, which reminds me I have to go and talk to Snape about potions." She looked at me with disgust, "Good luck with that." I smiled, "oh I will."

I made my way towards the dungeons and saw Harry and Ron walking my way. They made eye contact with me, and I looked away, and keep walking. I gave a small nod when they said hello but besides that, I said nothing. I knew that the dark lord could track me as long as I had the mark.

I knocked on the door and Snape was at his desk speaking with Dumbledore. "Ms. Black." Dumbledore exclaimed happily. "Good evening Professor." I replied, then said, "sorry for interrupting I didn't know." I turned to walk out but Dumbledore stoped me saying, "no Riley I'm afraid I must be going." He said than marched out.

Snape sighed, and asked, "how's your arm?" I showed him, without looking down at it. "Does it hurt?" He asked. I nodded my head. "I had no idea Regulus Black was still alive." I whispered. Snape nodded. "Very much so, did you meet him? He's a decent man." I laughed sarcastically at this. "I have no liking for him." Snape rolled his eyes, "Well you better, Christmas Holidays, the lord wishes for you to stay with him." I was confused, "what do you mean? I'm not going home?" I asked sadly. He shook his head no. "You can't go home, you know that will put everybody there in danger." I sighed softly as Snape said, "this is not going to be easy, but you HAVE to stay strong. You can not let anyone catch on to what may be happening." I nodded slowly. And he continued, "that means you keep that arm covered at ALL times. Cut all contact with those at home. Avoid your friends like the plague. I'm sure he will ask you to leave Hogwarts soon enough."

I put my head in my hands. I didn't want to leave school, and I did not want to leave my dad. I just got him back. But if I wanted to keep everyone safe I had to do this. "Your still in the order though Professor, so whose side are you really on?" I asked. He looked at me, "whose side do you think I'm on?" I thought for a moment. "Even though you try not to act like it, I think your a good person. So the order." He nodded but didn't answer me. "What happens when my dad finds out I've left Hogwarts, or I'm not coming home?" I asked holding back tears. Snape sighed, "you can write them letters I'll deliver them. Don't include to much detail, you can't have them come looking for you." I hope this is all over soon. "What happens when the wars over?" I said. "You can go straight home. But for now focus on yourself, and how your going to get through this. Crying won't affect the lord, he loves it. So remember stay strong." Snape advised.

This was a lot to take in. I thanked him and went for a walk along the lake, I sat down on Cedrics bench, and thought everything over.

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