Chapter 20

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The guards slammed me down on the floor when they returned me back to the cell. I fell down, and had to pick my self up slowly, my body was aching from the cold and the cement underneath of me.

"Riley are you alright?" Reg asked giving me his hand to help me up. I nodded, "I'm good thanks, I got more food." He smiled, "like what?" I opened up the bag Remus brought, there was a chocolate bar, of course. He also packed Nutella (more chocolate), there was water, bagels, nuts, granola bars, there were clothes and such, as well as an extra warm blanket. And my friends gave me crackers." I added. He frowned a little, "What friends? I only saw Remus." I answered, "my three best friends were downstairs near the entrance in a side room." He nodded, "oh I suppose that makes sense." I thought, "why?" He sighed, "because the ministry believes it's not right to bring kids under eighteen back here." That didn't make sense, "do they lock kids under eighteen up here?" I asked. He shook his head no. "Then why am I in here?" I was really confused. "Because your considered to be dangerous." He said quietly.

I put my head in my hands, and laughed, they considered me dangerous. "You shouldn't be here I agree." He whispered. "Your right, but then again I don't think you should either." I answered. He looked up, "I've done terrible things Riley. I deserve this." I shook my head, "So what? Your still one of the best people I've ever met. I don't care about what you've done." I told him. He smiled, "Really?" I glanced over at him, "Your a little stubborn, but I've done horrible things too," I admitted.

He came over and sat beside me handing me a piece of bread. "Well at least we've got each other, for a year at least," he said happily. "I'll break you out, I've become quite skilled at that." I joked. He threw his arm around my shoulder, "don't do anything stupid, I don't want to have to share a cell with you again," he said laughing. I rolled my eyes, "you know I'm coming to visit like a lot," I said. He nodded, "you shouldn't come back here." I closed my eyes, and leaned onto him wrapping the two blankets around me. "I'm not leaving you here alone." I whispered, and then began to drift into a deep sleep.

Months later

I sat up breathing heavily. My eyes scanned the room for Regulus, when I saw him beside me I felt a hint of relief. It was still late out, I pushed myself up and quietly walked over to the window. Outside no stars shined, there was no hint of the moon. All I saw was darkness. My heart ached as I glanced up towards the sky. I wondered did people really go somewhere after they died? Or was it just wizards? Maybe we were just gone. Deep down I hoped there was some sort of afterlife, I could go up and hug dad. Tell him how sorry I am, how much I love him, that it should've been me. I carefully hit my hand on the window, dad wasn't supposed to die, no one was. Everyone I got close with disappeared.

"Riley." I heard Regulus whisper. I turned my head around to face him. "What's wrong?" He asked. "I just couldn't sleep." I softly answered. He held out his arm, and I walked back over to him, letting him throw the blankets over top of me. "Are you still cold?" He asked. I shook my head no. He pulled me in and I rested my head on top of his shoulder. "Everything will get better I promise you that." He assured me. But I didn't believe that, "I don't think so." I leaned into him, and sighed, I couldn't believe how dark this year had become.

"Once upon a time, there was a girl. She had long black hair, that curled just like her fathers. It ran just past her waist, her uncle thought she was one of the most bravest and prettiest girls he's ever seen. He felt lucky to be her uncle, even thought he was a jerk in the beginning."

I couldn't hold back my smile as he continued the story. "About a week ago this girl was released from one of the most horrid places known to man. She knew that she had to take this opportunity to live life like it was. Her past haunted her in many ways, but she was strong. The wizarding war began, and this one girl kept everyone going. She held her head high and fought with everything she had. Of course this wonderful girl won the war, and was treated like the princess she truly is. The minister of magic would be down on his knees begging for forgiveness. But she would shove him aside, and then come back here just to tell me, the uncle (who was very handsome) was right all along. She truly was the most kind, beautiful, strong, intelligent, gutted girl around. And that girl Riley Ann Black is you."

I laughed at his story, and wrapped my arms around him tightly. His hands felt like ice, almost as bad as mine were earlier. I stood up and threw the blankets around him, and then sat down covering myself with one of them. "Good night." I said. He kissed my forehead, just like dad did, "night Riley."

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