Chapter 16

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Two guards pulled me up by my arms and showed me into some sort of room, that had benches all around a chair that was right in the centre. I was put into the chair. And watched as most of the Aurors, Kaite, Jackson, and Dylan sat down around me.

Fudge sat right in front of me, up a couple of rows, and stared down at me. "Ahem." He coughed. "Riley Ann Black, you will be placed under the truth serom, and be asked multiple questions. Do you wish to comply with these terms?" I simply said, "Yes I do." He nodded. A guard brought me over a small bottle that I was to drink. I chugged it in one sip, and looked back at Remus. He gave me a smile, which forced me to look away. I didn't want to hurt anyone more than I already did. Once I finished the bottle, Fudge arranged his papers, and began.

"Recently we have been given anonymous tips about dark magic activities you have participated in. I am going read them out loud and you will answer simply yes or no. If you wish to give an explanation raise your right arm, and I will call on you to speak. Understood?" He asked. I immediately answered, "yes." He nodded, and the first question was, "Did you or did you not participate in the torturing of Andrew James?"

My heart sunk, I didn't touch that man but I was forced to watch. "No." I coldly whispered. He wrote something down, and then asked, "did you or did you not help break out several Azkaban prisoners?" I looked down, "I did."

He continued, "did you or did you not assist in the break in at Gringotts bank?" I quickly answered "yes I did."

Fudge shook his head, "did you or did you not break into a Hogsmeade store, called "Parkers potions?" I sighed, and said, "I did." Next he asked, "did you or did you not tie up and leave Mary Parker, owner of Parker's Potions in the back room of her store?" I was fighting back tears at this point, "I did."

Fudge looked disappointed, "did you or did you not get the dark mark willingly?" I saw the mark on my arm and glared up at him, "I did not."

He nodded, "Did you or did you not give out secret information about the Ministry?" I couldn't believe this was even a question. "I did not." The questions went on for almost an hour, and finally the last one, "did you or did you not give information about the whereabouts of Harry James Potter." I wanted to scream at this man. "I did not." I hissed. "We're you acquainted with Sirius Black, in full awareness he was a wanted death eater." I lunged forward, "you don't know anything about my father, you fool. He was everything but a death eater and you know it. My father was the one of the bravest people I knew, you slithering..." Fudge stood up, "ENOUGH."

He closed up his folders. "Ms. Black, you may now give more information behind your answers if you wish." I agreed glaring up at him and listened carefully to the first question. "During your time away from Hogwarts, where did you stay?" This was a dumb question, "With Regulus Black, or in the Malfoy manors basement."

He nodded, "if you did not willingly get the dark mark, how did it get on your arm?" I cringed thinking back to it, "The dark lord blackmailed me to go and meet him. They held a meeting with several deatheaters, and at the end I was chained up against a wall. And then he casted it." I replied coldly. Fudge looked shocked, he swallowed, and then closed his second folder.

"It will just be a minute, Ms. Black, feel free to chat with your family and friends." He told me. I slowly turned around to see Kaite Jackson and Dylan come rushing towards me.

Kaite hugged me tight, and wiped her tears. My hands stayed handcuffed behind the chair. "Riley Black, you are the bravest girl I've ever met." Jackson whispered. I smiled, "you guys don't hate me? You heard what I did." Dylan shook his head, "you wouldn't do any of that unless you had a legitimate reason to." I nodded, "your right." Kaite sat down beside me, "we will always be here for you Riley." I looked down, "I'm sorry I stopped talking to you guys, I didn't want any of them to find out we were close." I admitted. Dylan grabbed my hand, "you were protecting us, you don't need to say sorry." I disagreed with him, "I may have been trying to protect all you guys, but I hurt too many people in the process."

"You were wonderful." Remus walked over to me. I looked up at him, and wanted to cry, but I had to stay strong. "Can we have a minute?" He asked my friends. All of them nodded, and hugged me one last time before sitting back down. "I can't imagine what your going through right now." He whispered. I nodded, "I only have myself to blame. Remus if I could've came home I would've. But they would've know where I was because of the mark." I continued, "they tortured me, but I would never sell you guys out. I know that doesn't make anything right, but I had no choice." He held up his hand, "Riley just calm down." I shook my head no, and felt butterflies in my stomach when I saw Fudge come back. "I lashed out." Remus nodded, "he had no right bringing Sirius into this. You just lost him." I bit my lip, "I'm sorry. He was your best friend, and I haven't been there for you or anyone." Remus chuckled, "you don't need to be Riley. For once kid, look after yourself. Your dad is looking down on you right now. And I know regardless of what you think, he is proud. When he saw you that night at the cemetery, he was heartbroken, but he said you were so strong. Everything you were doing was to protect us, and we were all just recently made aware of how much pain they put you through." A tear fell down my face, "i thought it was all worth it. Anytime I did something I thought this was for you guys, as long as I did what they wanted my family got to live. But that was bullshit. Because I lost dad. After everything, after I just got him back Remus." He wiped my tear, "I know Ry. I know. It's me and you again, and you know I will always be here for you. Doesn't matter what you think of yourself, you're still the most important person in my life." I gave him a small smile, "same goes for you, dad, and Cedric. Please don't leave me. If anything ever happened to you....." Remus shook his head, "Riley Im here right now focus on that." Fudge say down.

"Mr. John Lupin please return to your seat." He said. Remus squeezed my hand then walked swiftly back to his chair, and I stared ahead of me. "Riley Ann Black, you have been sentenced a year in Azkaban. For the crimes consisting of...." I didn't even listen to the rest. I couldn't breath, I was being sent to the worst place imaginable to man. I spun around, Remus' face fell. Tonks Molly and Kaite burst into tears. I kept a stone face as I was pulled up by two guards. If I hadn't ruined their lives enough, this really did it.

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