Chapter 3

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I let my curls fall down neatly and applied lots of makeup to my face. Draco told me he likes black, so I wore an extremely tight pair of ripped jeans, with a black tank top, and a loose black zip up jacket. I left it undone though. My hands trembled as I pushed myself up, and slowly walked out and towards Snape's office.

Snape stood there looking worried for me. "Riley, Draco will be accompanying you," he told me. I looked over at him, and he gave me a small smile. "Is he going to use me to get to Harry?" I asked scared. They both looked away. "You both know I would die before I sold out Harry my father or any of my friends right?" They nodded. And Snape said, "he's going to try and break you. Riley no matter what happens tonight you have to come back to Hogwarts and act normal, like everything's ok. Do you understand?" I slowly shook my head yes. Then Draco came over and grabbed my hand. I gave him a small nod holding on tightly. Together we apparated to what appeared to be Draco's home.

It was a giant mansion. And there was a long table that had several death eaters sitting along the sides. At the head of the table sat the dark lord himself. I shivered at the sight of him. Immediately my confidence began to diminish.

He stood up, and slowly walked over to me smiling. "Riley Ann Black, what a beautiful girl you are." He whispered. I stood there with a stone face. This made him angry he marched over and squeezed my arm tightly, then spat in my face, "answer me when I speak to you." I tried to free myself but he grabbed tighter. "Thank you." I finally said. He immediately released my arm, and laughed, "now that's better, please come join us." I very carefully walked over to an empty chair beside Draco. My eyes scanned the table. Every death eater stared back at me. I saw Bellatrix, Draco's parents, many that I didn't recognize. And then my heart skipped a beat.

A man who looked identical to Dad sat across from me. They had the same hair, jaw, and face. I stared at him for longer than I should've because suddenly Voldemort laughed. "Looks familiar doesn't he?" I slowly nodded my head, and quickly remembered I couldn't say anything about knowing where dad was so I quietly said, "is that Sirius?" That made all the death eaters burst out laughing. "SILENCE!" Voldemort boomed. All of them fell quiet at once. "No Riley, that is your uncle, Regulus Black." He gave a small smile, and I avoided his gaze completely.

I wasn't entirely sure as to why I was here, but there was one thing I did know, I wanted to leave as soon as possible. Suddenly Regulus walked over and grabbed my arm pulling me up forcefully. "Take her to the basement." Voldemort ordered. Regulus shook his head. And shoved me in front of him. Leading me downstairs. I refused to say anything but I was shaking so bad that he had to help me down the cement steps. We walked over to a corner, and he pushed me against the wall. And then hand cuffed my wrists to the wall, along with my legs. "Wait here, and if you know what's best for you stay silent." He said. "I don't know where I could go." I motioned my head towards the cuffs. He rolled his eyes, and began to walk away. "Wait." I quietly called. He turned around and he resembled dad so much. "What?" He asked. "What's going to happen to me." I asked scared. "You'll find out soon enough."

I stayed chained to the wall for at least half an hour. When I heard footsteps come back down, I looked up to see Draco Bellatrix Lucious and Regulus walk down. With Voldemort behind them.Regulus walked over and uncuffed my left hand. And held it firmly. The line had gotten darker and soared with pain as the dark lord walked closer. Suddenly he shouted something, and Regulus held my arm tighter. I screamed out in pain. They all laughed except Draco and Regulus. I held back tears, and when it was finally over I focused on my breathing. Slowly I looked down at my arm. The dark mark covered my entire forearm.

"You are now a part of my army Riley, oh and you best not let anyone see that arm of yours or you'll go straight to Azkaban." Voldemort warned. He left leaving me Draco and Regulus.

Draco rushed over, and began getting the cuffs off of me. "Let me see." Regulus whispered. I glared at him. He rolled his eyes, "I can't help you if you refuse to be helped." He said. Draco nodded, "Listen to him Riley, you can't fight everyone here, or you'll end up getting yourself killed." I sighed, and held my arm out, avoiding their eyes. "Draco go get her water." Regulus bossed him. He ran upstairs leaving me and my uncle alone together once again. He stared at me for a while, "You look a lot like Sirius." He finally said. "Says you," I sarcastically responded. He narrowed his eyebrows. "You better watch your mouth around here." He warned. "Why the hell am I even here?" I asked angrily. "He's going to use you to win the war." Regulus said. "How I can't do shit." I answered. He smiled, "it's not you, it's who your close with. Like Harry Potter." He took a breath and then stared at me, "I know that you live with your dad at our old house. But regardless of what you've been told, I still love my brother and will protect him no matter what. So you better keep your mouth shut about him. Regardless of the consequences." I looked at him. "I'd die before I tell any of you death eaters where my father or anyone I care about is. Fuck you all." He glared at me, "last time I checked you were a death eater yourself, so fuck you." He shot back. "Not willingly." I cried. "You think I wanted this? Wow you really are a stupid girl. Nothing like your father." He spat then stormed away.

Draco came back holding water. "Let's go." I whispered holding back tears. He nodded and held out his hand. Together we arrived back at the castle. I took a deep breath when we got back, pulling my sleeve up slightly. The mark was a dark black that ran from my elbow halfway down to my wrist. "Do you have it?" I asked Draco. He shook his head no, making me walk back to my dorm room angrily and confused.

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