Chapter 6

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I woke up late the next morning and walked into the bathroom that was attached to my room. Most of my night was spent crying, and I hadn't ate anything for close to a day. I bent over the toilet and began to throw up.

Regulus soon came barging in. He saw me still getting sick on the floor. He quickly grabbed my hair and pulled it back. He stayed there, until I finally stopped. Slowly I pulled my self up, and washed my face with a cloth. "Take a shower, I'll make you something to eat." I obeyed and silently climbed into the shower. The hot water running down my body felt so nice, I turned the heat up close to all the way. Nothing felt hot enough. The bathroom steamed up quickly and I finally shut the water off. Then got changed into a black hoodie, and jeans.

In the kitchen, Regulus was putting hash browns and sausages on a plate. It smelled amazing. I walked out, "you can cook?" I asked. He rolled his eyes, "You don't have to be such a bitch, considering I'm letting you stay here." I crossed my arms, "you got told to let me stay here." He shook his head no. "They were gonna make you stay in the Malfoys basement. But if you'd rather be there than by all means." I shook my head no. "I would rather be here, I just asked because dad couldn't cook if his life depended on it." I was then thinking back to him ruining Christmas Eve dinner. "I was clearly the gifted brother." He joked. It made me smile, something I hadn't done in a long time.

We sat down at his circle table. "It's almost Christmas, what did your dad do with you last year?" Regulus asked me. I laughed, "he set up a whole Christmas planner. We went for dinner, had ice cream, opened pyjamas. It was fun." Regulus looked down. And I asked "does he even know your alive?" He shook his head no. "Why don't you go and see him? I'm sure he would listen to you." I pushed. He rolled his eyes, "just focus on yourself, you have no idea the hell your in for. You best co-operate with the dark lord." I nodded, "I will as long as I'm not asked to hurt innocent people." He sighed, "what about when he asks you about Harry or your father. No no sorry, he won't ask, he'll torture you." I pushed my food away from me. "Listen I get you haven't known me very long, but they mean the world to me. And nothing is going to happen to them. Let me assure you of that." He smiled, "you remind me of Sirius." I said, "I could say the same for you." He picked up our plates, and said "whatever, don't get attached to me. Remember I'm not your dad, I don't want anything to do with you after the war." I got up, "right back at ya," then slammed my bedroom door shut hard, and sat down.

Today I had to go back to Malfoys. Two hours after breakfast I heard a knock at my door. "What?" I yelled. Regulus opened the door making me roll my eyes and look away. "It's time to go," he said. I walked over to where he was standing, and slapped my hand onto his wrist.

And then we were standing in the Malfoy mansion. An ugly man, who I immediately recognized to be Peter grabbed my arm and took me down into the kitchen. I sat down, there were more death eaters sitting around the table. They all stared me down as I got settled beside Draco. He whispered to me, "He's going to take your downstairs. To try and get you to talk. After the meeting. Just so you know." I gulped nervously.

Voldemort entered and everyone fell silent. "For all of you that were unable to attend last meeting, this is Riley Black. She has so kindly and willingly transferred to the dark side." They laughed, knowing very well that I didn't willingly do anything. "We need more people." He continued. "If there's one thing I know it's that we're winning this war. No muggle shall remain unharmed. Tomorrow I shall have ten of you break into Azkaban, and release as many loyal prisoners as you can." Everyone nodded their heads. "Draco Bellatrix Lucious Severus Narcissa Riley Barty Regulus And the other two are still being decided. Tomorrow night we will attack." I knew the meeting was almost over and began to shift uncomfortably, Draco grabbed my hand under the table giving me a small nod of encouragement.

They agreed to his plan and then they were all dismissed. I on the other hand was ripped up by Peter and thrown down onto the cold hard basement floor. "Don't try anything little girl." He snarled at me. "It really is a shame we stopped dad and Remus from killing you, your nothing but a coward." I shot back.

"Peter!" Voldemort yelled. The man quickly apologized and ran out of the room. I backed up against the wall and stared up at the dark lord. Feeling a bit braver than I had a couple days ago.

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