Chapter 24

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Today was Bill and Fleurs wedding, I barley knew Bill. But I remember Fleur, everytime I saw her I remembered the tournament, where Cedric died.

At home I was getting ready, I straightened out my hair, and let it fall down neatly by my sides. I did my makeup, before going into Remus and Tonks room, to help Tonks get ready. I picked out a small pink sundress for myself, and a long yellow dress that showed off Tonks baby bump. I knocked and heard them tell me to come in.

"Wow Riley, I wasn't aware you knew how to knock." Remus joked. "I don't know what I could be walking into now that you've got Tonks." He rolled his eyes and I sat down in front of Tonks beginning on her face makeup. Remus sat down on their bed, "so how do you feel about everything?" He asked. "What's Everything?" I questioned. "You know the baby and such." He answered. I put down the makeup brush, "Well to be honest I didn't even know you two were married, why wouldn't you tell me when you came to visit?" I said hurt. He looked down, "I just felt bad, you were stuck in there for doing things you were forced to do. And I was out here. Being happy." I sighed, "Remus you should've just told me, it would've gave me something to think about besides everything else." He nodded, and Tonks grabbed my hands, "I'm sorry, we could've just waited, I don't know why I rushed it all." I pulled back my hands, "stop being sorry. Both of you. It's clear you two love each other. This baby is going to grow up with the best parents ever." Remus smiled, "no this baby's going to have the best older sister ever." I laughed at this, "I'm hardly a role model for anyone's children." Tonks tried not to laugh. "In my opinion your one of the best role models anyone could have including myself." She said. I thanked her and continued doing her face.

I was almost done helping Tonks get ready, all three of us were still in the room when I blurted out, "where am I going to stay?" Remus looked over confused, "what do you mean?" "your having a child, where's everyone going to sleep?" I asked again. Tonks grinned, "we're turning the attic into a giant room, with heat and such obviously. It can be your room if you want. But neither of us expect you to leave the room you have now." I nodded, "it doesn't matter to me." When I was done she looked into the mirror, "wow I look..." I laughed, "you look beautiful." She turned around happily, "thank you!" I smiled. "Hey guys." I suddenly said. Both of them looked my way. "Where's dads grave?" Remus opened his mouth to talk but then shut it. "Are you sure your ready to visit him?" They asked. "He's my dad, of course I'm ready to see him." I answered. Remus shook his head okay, "I can probably take you tomorrow. We'll see." He said sadly.

I walked back to my room and threw the pink dress on. I twirled around in front of the mirror and smiled, I had gained back some of the weight I had lost in Azkaban. Besides what happened to Moody, I was slowly feeling better with each passing day. More than anything I wanted to go and see Regulus but I'm sure Remus wouldn't let me leave the house alone.

Back in my room I was organizing some of things, then I found the letters that Harry gave me almost two years ago.

Dear Riley Black,

I don't know if you will ever get the chance to read this. But what has gone down tonight will be twisted and turned into stories you can't even imagine. Please remember you are my one and only daughter, the light in my life. And although your has mother tried to keep you from me, from this night on that will no longer be an issue. Mom has passed away, at hands of the dark lord. Remus my good friend, will give you everything you need, and I know you will turn out to be extremely brilliant just like your father, just remember that I will always love you.

With love,

"Hey Remus." I called as I saw him walking by my door. "What's up." He stepped in. I handed him the letter, "read this." His eyes scanned the paper, and then he asked, "who gave you this?" "Harry did. I have a question though." I said. He nodded. "Why didn't mom want me to see dad?" I questioned. He sighed, "those were dark times Riley. She was paranoid. Marlene didn't trust any of us with you. She thought that your father, was secretly still in touch with his family." That sounded ridiculous. "She was an amazing woman though Riley, she loved you with all of her heart." I smiled, "thanks I just wondered." He smiled back, "alrighty then let's go."

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