Chapter 18

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Two weeks went by, I had finished the book Remus brought me. But today I decided I would re-read it. Honestly I had nothing better to do. I had my long sleeve shirt on, and a hoodie overtop. And I wore my leggings, with the pyjama pants over them, but still I wasn't warm enough.

"Wanna trade?" I asked Regulus out of no where. "Trade what?" He grumbled. "Books." I answered. A couple minutes later he threw his book towards me, and I slid mine across to him.

"Regulus Black." I heard a voice whisper from outside the bars. When I looked up I saw someone that was no doubt a death eater. "What?" My uncle asked. The death eater smiled, "Our Lord sent me here, he wishes to know what you said during your trail." Regulus looked angrier than I've ever seen him. "I said NOTHING!" He screamed. The man nodded, "Good." He then turned to look at me, "All of us want to sincerely, give you our deepest sympathies for the death of your father."

This was all it took for me to snap. I ran over to where he was and yelled at him, "Fuck you, you don't get to talk about him, none of you do." I tried to grab him but he moved away quickly. He laughed, "Someone's a little sensitive about daddy still I see." I couldn't hold back my anger, "I'll fucking kill you, I swear, you bastard." He threw a bag to Regulus, and just walked away, while I continued yelling after him. "He's gone." Regulus said putting his hand on my shoulder. I shook him off and went back to my corner.

I watched as he went through the bag, they gave him a blanket, a whole bunch of food, water, clothes, and a deck of cards. I sighed, and pulled out a granola bar and ate it. The guards eventually brought us our meal, just looking at it made me feel sick. So I pushed it away and looked out my window. The forest was dark and empty, the sky was black, and the waves around the prison were crashing up against the rocks.

"You hungry?" Regulus asked me. I rolled my eyes, "I'm always hungry." He smiled, "want something?" I shook my head no, "I'll survive. Probably." Regulus laughed a little, "here have some." They brought him a whole loaf of bread, and peanut butter, he pushed it over to me. And I hesitantly took a piece and dipped it in the peanut butter. "It's good." I smiled. He nodded, "Isn't it?" I gave it back to him, "Thank you." He accidentally grazed my hand taking it, and pulled back. "Your hands are cold as ice." He said. I held them up, they were purple, and numb, "I'm cold." I whispered. He threw over his blanket, "You clearly need this more than me." I didn't take it, "No it's yours." I said. He walked over and threw it around me, then he knelt down to face me, "Now you listen here, you may be the reason we're in here, but don't think for a second I'm gonna let you die in this place." I nodded, and pulled the blanket around me. "I'm sorry you know," I whispered. He didn't answer me. Tears streamed down my face, "I just couldn't process what was happening. I still can't everyone I love keeps dying." Regulus gave me a sad smile, "who else have you lost?" I sighed, "Cedric. We were best friends for years, then we dated. And then.... then Voldemort killed him." Regulus bit his lip, "I'm sorry kid." I shrugged, "not too much in my life is going to plan these days." Regulus sat on the bench in front of me, "I understand that believe me, I'm sorry your dads gone. He was a good man Riley." I nodded, "thank you."

I used the white sheet as a pillow and lay down curled up on the floor. I watched as Regulus played some sort of card game by himself. Eventually I drifted off into sleep, and when I woke up I saw Regulus asleep. My eyes drifted towards the cells and that lady was back. She just stared at me with her dark empty eyes. I threw my hand over my mouth and stared at her in horror. I knew that she would make sudden moves so I slowly and quietly started crawling towards Regulus. I had almost reached him when she lunged forwards and screamed. This made me jump to Regulus and grab onto him, I yelped in fright. He shot up, and looked around. My nails were digging into him, he shook my hand off, and walked over to the lady. She backed up when she saw him coming, "Leave her the hell alone," he growled. She smiled, "but I'm going to kill her." He grabbed her arm and ripped her forward so her face was pushed up against the bars. "If you so much as touch her, I swear to god, I will strangle you with my bare hands." He pushed her away, and the lady ran down the halls.

My whole body was shaking, and I didn't move. Regulus sat back down in his bed with his back against the wall. He put his arm around me, my skin was colder than the ice at this point. I continued shaking, and he threw the blanket around me, and tried to get me to stop. I began crying softly at first, but then I thought about literally every little thing that has made my life hell. Dad was gone Cedric was gone, I was stuck here. Remus hates this place but he still came to visit. And I could see the hurt in his eyes. Not only am I in pain, I've cause so many other people pain. And that's what's hurting me the most.

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