Chapter 15

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Harry knelt down wrapping his arms around me, my eyes were blurring with tears and my head pounded from crying so hard. I kept my eyes down. Even as a group of Aurors surrounded me. I saw Remus, Snape, Tonks, Arthur Mad Eye, and many more people, including the minister of magic. I looked up towards Regulus and he sighed. He could've left, but he chose to stay with me.

"Arrest them both." The minister ordered. My stomach dropped, and I heard the protests of everyone around me. Harry along with Ron Kaite and Hermione were yelling the loudest. My eyes clouded up, as my hands were being forced behind my back. Kaite rushed over. She had tears covering her face, "Riley, I am so sorry." She pulled me into a hug, and cried into my shoulder. I glanced at the people around me. Remus had tears falling softly down his cheeks. He saw me looking at him, and he brushed them off immediately, giving me a weak smile. "I'm so sorry sweetheart."

Regulus was already being taken out of the room. While the minister was explaining to them why I was being arrested. Harry screamed, "Stay away from her, she did nothing wrong."

Fudge crossed his arms and said, "she did nothing wrong is that so?" He then ripped up my right sleeve. This revealed the Blood Traitor scar on my arm. Tonks covered her mouth when she saw this. Mad eye growled. And Remus stood still staring at me with a look of confusion and hurt. The minister realized he showed them the wrong arm. He quickly apologized and pulled up my left sleeve. The dark mark was imprinted all along my forearm. I shook my head, at him. "This is not the mark of an innocent person, Mr. Potter. Take her away." He boomed. I began to panic, "no please, Remus help me." I pleaded. I saw him cover his face with his hands. And Tonks put her arm around him.

I was taken into a room in the upstairs level of the Ministry. There were five cells here. I was pushed into the one beside Regulus, he didn't even look up when I collapsed down onto the cold cement floor. "Your trial, Ms. Black will be in two days." A guard told me. I slowly nodded my head, and crawled over to the corner of my cell. As far away from Regulus as I could get. I leaned my head against the wall, and realized how fucked up my life had become.

The next morning Mrs. Weasley, had gotten Arthur to sneak her in to see me. She brought fresh clothes for my trial. When she saw me I could see the pity and sympathy in her eyes. "Riley honey, here's a pair of jeans and a hoodie for your trial." She said from behind the cell bars. I slowly sat up and walked over to where she was. "Thank you." I said emotionless. "Oh Riley, you were the last person I would've expected to do this." I just nodded she had no idea. Regulus laughed at this comment. Mrs. Weasley looked over at him curiously, and asked "is something funny there?" He answered, "yes there is, your naiveness. There's no way that this girl right here would've joined the dark side for the fun of it. I thought your husband told you. She was there against her will, she did all this to protect you lot. But let me tell ya, you guys are the most ungrateful bunch of beings I've ever met."

Mrs. Weasley crossed her arms, "She might have thought she was protecting us, but she was just worrying everyone." I couldn't believe what she was saying. And neither could Regulus, he yelled, "SHE WAS PROTECTING YOU! THERE WERE NUMEROUS TIMES SHE WAS THROWN UNDER THE CRUCIO CURSE. BUT STILL, SHE WOULD NOT GIVE OUT A SINGLE PIECE OF INFORMATION REGARDING THE ORDER OR HARRY." I was shocked that he cared that much, and I could tell Molly felt terrible. Regulus sat back down annoyed. And Molly took this as her que to leave, she squeezed my hand tightly. "Your going to be okay Riley." She assured me. I nodded, but I couldn't help but be angry with her.

I changed into the new clothes she had brought, and then sat back down in the corner of my cell. I hugged my knees close to me and shivered. The thought of my trail approaching didn't even phase me. My life meant nothing anymore, my dad was dead. I've only had him back in my life for two years. I wanted to cry for him and Cedric, but even if I did cry, no one would be there to wipe my tears or hold me. Everyone I loved was gone. I stared into the darkness and thought back to my conversation with Mrs. Weasley. "Thank you." I finally whispered to Regulus. He didn't respond he just sat slumped up against the wall, and looked absolutely defeated.

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